Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Republicans Must Be Taking "Politidose" To Heart

This writer for a number of years has pointed out the reason Republicans are always on the negative attack against Democrats, especially during elections and there fore never tell the voting public what policies they themselves would adopt and promote is a result of their inability to debate the real issues facing the country and its people.  Romney's position during the 2012 election was simply to oppose Obamacare and everything the President had achieved and wanted to do in a second term.

Romney offered the standard "trickle down economics" of tax cuts that favored the most well off.  He even failed to answer the "arithmetic  question."  He never articulated any clear policy statements of what he would do to move the country and its people forward.  Republicans in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate said from the beginning of Obama's first term they would not work with him or help pass any of his agenda.  They even wasted congress and the people's time by voting to defund the ACA 40 times and even shut the government down.  They have yet to offer any legislation on the major issues facing the country.

Now we read that the Republicans in the U.S. House started a 3 day retreat and that the major topic will be to offer specific legislation on a number of issues instead of opposing every thing the President talks about.  Its obvious the congressional elections coming up in November is heavy on their mind and with their dismal approval rating they are scrambling to be identified with some thing positive for a change.  They have wasted the last five long years of doing nothing even though it was their party that gave the country and its people the second great Republican depression.

If they are really serious the most positive thing they could do when congress returns is to pass the President's jobs act to rebuild our infrastructure that they have been sitting on for over two years.  The U.S. Senate passed that bill and it is fully paid for.  It is this writers opinion that if the U. S. House had passed that bill like the Senate, the country would be at full employment.

Even Charles Krauthammer, the conservative commentator put his two cents in with a column published in the Times Picayune of 1/31/14 when he challenged the Republicans to challenge the Democrats on substance.  On the women's issue he asks, what is it about women that causes leading Republicans to grow clumsy, if not stupid.  Krauthammer has the elections on his mind also because his past views was a ditto head copy cat. 

President Obama's state of the union addressed about by passing congress when they fail to act was late coming but a welcome sign for the future.  It also pushed the Republican party to change its tune and gave conservative journalists an opportunity to join the real debate instead of being ditto heads. 

This commentary written by John Lucia.



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