Saturday, May 25, 2019

The Checks and Balance Of The U.S. Court System Will Take Down The Donald Trump Presidency.

The republican controlled U.S. Senate has rushed through and confirmed hundreds of so called conservative judges appointed by President Trump since he took office in January 2017 (even some without qualifications) for the purpose of over loading the federal bench with judges who will uphold Trump and the republican's extreme agenda.  But in the end the extreme has its limits.

And Trump's extreme obstructing justice, obstructing congress, his traitorous acts with the Russians and his assault on the constitution and institutions, his personal attacks against everyone, including judges and his love of autocratic authority has led him to make a decision to take all the legal challenges against him to court and all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary.  But Trump's behavior has not gone unnoticed by the courts who have ruled against him on a number of important issues.

There are three important issues before the courts at this time:  Trump's Income Tax, his banking records and special counsel Robert Mueller's report in its original state with its supporting documents.  Trump believes the conservative tilt of the Supreme Court would rule in his favor if those challenges reach the high court.  This writer believes Trump is over playing his hand in that regard.

In a PolitiDose commentary dated 10/7/18 titled, "The U.S. Senate Confirms Brett Kavanaugh For The U.S. Supreme Court, this writer pointed out that there has to be at least one so called conservative judge on the Supreme Court with the courage and character that will not allow Trump to pollute our court system of checks and balances.  And this writer believes there are enough conservative judges who are not going to allow President Trump to destroy the independence of the court system in favor of a political agenda and thereby corrupt their time on the bench and write the failed history of the courts on their watch.

If the courts rule against Trump in those three cases, the ball game is over and the President will be gone.  The only thing left would be a decision to prosecute him once he leaves office.  And if it is the so called conservative courts that turn the table on Trump, remember, you read it here first in PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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