Friday, March 8, 2019

IMMIGRATION: The Albatross Around President Trump and the Republican Party's Neck

Now comes a report this week by Trump's Department of Homeland Security that illegal immigration across the southern border is at the highest level since 2007 and it is taking place on Trump and the republican watch while they are trying to talk tough.  But talk is not a policy and Trump and his party has failed to act with immigration legislation while in control of government.  They have had the opportunity to do so but prefer to demagogue the issue.

Donald Trump and the rest of the republican Presidential candidates in 2016 said during their debates immigration reform should be put on hold until after the 2016 election and there was more than one republican Presidential candidate that was serving in congress at the time.  They just kicked the immigration can down the road which made President Obama issue an executive order on immigration.  Well, two years have passed since the 2016 election and Trump and the republican controlled congress still kicked the can down the road.  They have introduced zero legislation on the issue and this past December shut the federal government down over Trump's wall that laid dormant during the last two years.

The democratic party that took control of the U.S. House in January actually passed one phase of immigration reform in February and then the republican controlled senate passed the bill.  And one can bet it will be the democratic party that will introduce true immigration reform in the future because they understand the problem has to be addressed in total.  Rhetoric of tough talk is for show, legislation is the vehicle that gets the job done.

No matter how you cut it, President Obama and the democrat's policy on immigration has been more effective than Trump's and the republican party's so called tough talk.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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