Saturday, September 26, 2015

Louisiana's Budget Woes Continue To Pile Up

Readers of "PolitiDose" were warned that last years state budget ending June 30 would not be balanced as Jindal and the republican controlled state legislature said it was.  The Times Picayune carried a story dated 9/23 that warned that the budget ended in deficit.  The article quoted state treasurer John Kennedy saying the deficit would exceed $100 million.  The story also indicated the Jindal administration was quietly informing legislators of the deficit and would give out the deficit exact number in October.

Republican Senator Fred Mills said, I'm worried, I'm really worried.  He sits on the Senate's Finance Committee.  He and the republican controlled legislature were not worried enough to make the hard choices and do what was required to balance the budget in the right way for the last several years.  They just rubber stamped Jindal's corrupt process.  Of course, the present fiscal year budget will not be in balance either and a special session with the new governor will have to address the problem.  Mills said he expects funding for medicaid and Louisiana universities and college will be slashed to reduce last years deficit.  That should sound familiar to every one.

The loss of state revenue because of falling oil prices and the tax loop holes and give aways to business will continue to make the state's budget problems worse if the state fails to adopt a pay as you go budget instead of the gimmicks used in the past as one time revenue and the movement of numbers.  The state needs to get real in the forecast of state revenue.

The Jindal administration and the republican controlled legislature has been a dismal failure on the state's budget and the budget process for eight years and now it is fourth down.  "PolitiDose" has been far out in front on the budget issue while the Times Picayune is satisfied by reporting the status quo.  Democratic candidate John Bel Edwards is the only candidate who can turn things around for the better for the state and its people.  He is also the only candidate without a super PAC raising money on his behalf so he is not beholden to any special interest group.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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