Saturday, June 23, 2012

Bobby Jindal's Record On Unemployment

If one follows Louisiana politics it is easy to understand why Gov. Jindal is just another republican conservative ditto head.  Like a good robot he follows the national party's talking points and attack against President Obama.  Everyone has heard the talking point that the President's policies are job killers.  (They are really talking about the Bush 43 administration)  So lets examine the record.

Compare Jindal's record concerning unemployment in Louisiana to President Obama's record using the first three years in office of both and this is what you will find.  The unemployment rate in Louisiana in January 2008 when Jindal took office was 3.8%.  Three years later in January 2011 the unemployment rate in Louisiana was 7.8%, an increase of 4% in Louisiana.  When Obama took office in January 2009 the national unemployment rate was 7.8%.  Three years later in January 2012 the national unemployment rate was 8.3%, an increase of 1/2% in the national unemployment.  President Obama did a much better job than Jindal in handling the unemployment problem.

In other words President Obama did a much better job at creating jobs nationally than Jindal did in Louisiana and Jindal had to contend only with his own state.  25% of Jindal's budget goes for tax breaks to businesses that is supposed to create jobs but the unemployment rate in Louisiana tells the real story.  When you have no character or courage and no record to run on, conservatives always go on the attack.  But they can not change their own sad record.

Louisiana Unemployment numbers shown above taken from Louisiana Workforce Commission and National Unemployment numbers taken from U.S.Labor Department.

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