Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The U.S. Supreme Court Made The Right Decision

The Supreme Court decision to uphold the Affordable Health Care Act as constitutional was a victory for America and the concept of "Justice being Blind".  What was so American about the courts decision is the fact that a so called conservative Chief Justice did not use a conservative ideology to render his decision and instead acted like an American to deal with an American problem forced on the court by conservatives.

This writer has written many commentaries here in "politidose" pointing out that conservatism practiced today by the leaders of the republican party is un-American and that they are conservatives first and Americans some where down the line.  And true to form after the decision the conservative leaders inside and out side of congress began their personnel assualt against the Chief Justice for his vote.

We have seen first hand the un-American attitude of the republican party in congress who vowed since day one they would do nothing to help move the country and its people forward since the second great depression (that happened on their watch) because they want to defeat Obama in the November elections.  The leaders of the republican party today, Mitt Romney, John Boehner and Mitch McConnell have demonstrated their complete lack of leadership, character and courage with their un-American attitude and ideology toward the country and its people. 

They and their party should not be chosen to lead the country in November.  The election is indeed a very important one and being American should trump over the un-American ideology of conservatism that is being practiced today by republican leaders.

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