Friday, July 6, 2012

The Failure Of State Governors

The "Affordable Health Care Act" would not have been needed if state Governors would have shown leadership, courage and character in making sure the uninsured with in their state borders were insured by their state.  Instead, they ignored the issue because they would have had to raise taxes in order to take care of their own people.  They promised no new taxes and like other state issues punted the problem to the federal government.  When the federal government stepped in the Governors ranted and said it was a "states right issue", the same issue they ignored.  The need for the "Affordable Health Care Act" is just another example why federal spending increases when Governors fail their responsibility to take care of their own people and the problems they face.

Louisiana's Governor Bobby Jindal on Meet the Press July 1 and in a Times Picayune article of July 2, in referance to the AHCA said Louisiana would not set up private insurance exchanges or expand medicaid in Louisiana.  Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean pointed out that Louisiana is 48th in the country in terms of child poverty, 48th in the country in premature death and 48th in the country in terms of industrial accidents.  Dean also pointed out that medicaid expansion would insure 340,000 people out of the 860,000 uninsured  people.  Little boy Jindal, like the good old boy conservative ditto heads repeated the same old republican talking point of electing Romney to repeal Obamacare.  Gov. Jindal has had 4 plus years to work up a plan to insure Louisiana's uninsured and he failed to do so.  Jindal and republicans call the AHCA Obamacare because they know Obama does care.

The little boy Governor also tried to compare Mardi Gras to the AHCA and also used the worn out republican talking point that Obama is pushing the nation toward European style socialism.  Jindal must have his mind on the social corporate welfare system he supports for the New Orleans Saints and the New Orleans Hornets giving millions of dollars to those multi millionaire owner using tax payers money.  Jindal and other state governors who fail to take care of their own state problems and then blame the federal government are first class hypocrits.  And Jindal's comparasion of Mardi Gras to the AHCA is just one of a thousand reasons the little boy governor will not be the V.P. choice come November.

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