Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Iran Agreement

The ditto heads in the republican party continued their opposition to any thing coming out of the Obama administration.  This time it is the agreement approved by Iran, the United States and other world leaders.  They disagree with and oppose the agreement even though they have yet to read its wording.  Congress has 60 days to review and vote on the agreement.  One would think those in congress would use those 60 days to be objective about the agreement but their constant effort to damage the President no matter what, over rides their responsibility to the country and its people.

President Reagan sold arms to Iran even though Iran was listed as a sponsor of terror at the time and President George W. Bush looked the other way while North Korea and Iran made progress in pursuing nuclear arms.    And the republicans in congress were silent the whole time.  Now we have a President and an administration who can achieve something positive in controlling Iran's nuclear ambitions and perhaps lend stability to the middle east and the republican party makes a fool of themselves.

The most productive Presidents who achieved most for the country and its people dealing with foreign policy believed in and used diplomacy to accomplish those goals.  The ditto head naysayers have learned nothing from American history.  And to top it off, most all of the republicans running for their party's Presidential nomination opposed the President's diplomacy not only concerning Iran but Cuba also.  Cuba, that tiny island that is a threat to absolutely no one.

The ditto heads are out of control, out of step, do not represent what congress stands for and display an attitude of arrogance toward America's role as moral leaders.  Their conservative ideology has failed so badly, they are left with only opposition and opposition to everything deemed democratic.  And sadly, Louisiana's ditto heads are marching in step.  Scott Walker, one of the republican Presidential hopefuls even said if elected President he would cancel the Iran agreement on his first day in office if it passed.  That statement alone should disqualify him from even being the republican nominee, much less President.

The Fox news network's reaction to the Iran agreement was in the usual conservative way.  They rushed to air Dick Chaney, Lindsay Graham and John McCain's comments that blasted the deal.  Those three stooges are the ones with no credibility  on middle east issues.  They not only were wrong about the war in Iraq over WMD, Cheney was dead wrong when he said Iraq reconstituted its nuclear program. They and Fox believes if you tell the same lie often enough, people will believe its the truth.

President Obama stood tall once again and understands there are legitimate alternatives to war, especially in the middle east.  We have been there and done that under the previous administration and it failed big time.  And yes my fellow Americans, understanding the past mistakes is still the key for a better future for the country and its people.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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