Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Fox News Network, The First Republican Party Debate and The Republican National Commitee

Fox News will be hosting the first debate of republican candidates for their party's nomination in early August and like every thing Fox touches the debate will be about Fox news and not the candidates.  The network will not allow all the republicans to be in the debate and the RNC gave their approval.

In other words Fox will choose what candidates they think the people should hear from.  Rick Santorum does not like it one bit and blasted the RNC for agreeing with Fox.  Other candidates put their two cents worth in also and are opposed to the set up.  Fox news is known to push certain republican candidates.  They appear all the time on the network and spout the same negative comments as Fox.  

Those who follow Fox and the republican party will gain no knowledge of what the candidates policies will be if elected.  It will be a ditto head rerun of the past including scare tactics.  There are 15 announced republican candidates and a few more in waiting the people have been told and so far little excitement.

On the other side, three of the four candidates for the democratic nomination have announced policies they would follow if elected and continue to give out details as the campaign goes along.  Its what serious elected officials do.  We are still a long way off from election day but things are happening on a daily basis.  People should pay attention to how the candidates respond to those daily issues and compare how their positions stand compared to past actions.

Its the little things that count in big elections.  

This commentary written by Joe Lorio   

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