Monday, July 23, 2018

What Has America Learned From President Trump's Meeting With Russia's Putin?

Well, nothing new from what any fair minded person realized long ago.  The one on one meeting between Trump and Putin with only an interpreter was another shameful and traitorous act by the President to keep the people of America in the dark about the Trump-Putin relationship and what they discussed.  This writer feels certain the talks were about how to sabotage the Mueller investigation and divert attention from Russian and the Trump campaign involvement in the 2016 Presidential elections.

President Trump's statement after the meeting indicating he believed Putin's denials and cast aside the conclusion of American intelligence concerning Russia's interference with the elections and that Trump supported making a former U.S. Ambassador to Russia available for Russia to question constitutes high crimes and misdemeanors by President Trump.  And then Trump made matters worse a few days later by inviting Putin to America in the fall.

The President caught flack for his private meeting with Putin and his later remarks from both parties and people who served in government in the past.  And of course, Trump lashed back with his usual childish comments.  But the GOP in congress still supports Trump and actually enable his un-American behavior.  Republican leaders in the U.S. House should be drawing up impeachment orders on this President who has become a disgrace and who continues his traitorous acts.

After 18 months in office the President and the republican controlled congress are still in a chaotic state.  No plans or policy to address immigration after Trump's loud mouth talk.  Trump's so called zero tolerance immigration action of separating parents and children at the border are still under a courts order.  The republicans in congress are leaderless and marking time until the November elections.

And all the while, America is paying a heavy price because Putin has the goods on Trump and the ability to set Trump's agenda.  The President has responded by selling out America, its values and the institutions that have made America the great nation that the world always looked up to.  And the republican party, the party that holds the power in congress has failed its responsibility to put a end to this President who has betrayed his country and his countrymen.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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