Saturday, July 14, 2018

Another Huge First For PolitiDose: The Indictment Of 12 Russian Intelligence Agents.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller continues his pursuit of the truth in the investigation of the Russian government's involvement in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election.  The indictments are another rebuke of President Trump's attempt to sabotage the investigation by claiming it to be a "witch hunt" and "fake news."  He repeated the claim even after the Department of Justice informed him of the indictments.

The indictment made clear that Russia tried to hack into Hillary Clinton's emails not long after candidate Trump at a campaign rally asked Russia to find Clinton's emails if they were listening.  PolitiDose was the first to write commentary about Trump's speech at the time and that it was a traitorous act by Trump.  The commentary was published July 31,2016, titled: A Traitor Among Us:  Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Russia.  Trump's speech laid dormant with the regular news media who never realized how close that speech linked Trump to the Russians.  This writer believes Trump knew Russia was listening and Trump's request was taken seriously by the Russian hackers.

In light of the new indictments, President Trump should cancel his meeting with Putin scheduled for Monday and let Putin know he believes the U.S. intelligence, the FBI and the indictments and no longer believes Putin's "fake news" of denial.  The President should also take immediate action to punish Russia for its actions and lies of interfering in the democratic process of our country's elections.

The President's constant criticism for the past 17 months of the investigation and his refusal to face Putin on the issue and his acceptance of Putin's denials is a disgrace and constitutes a traitorous act.  Trump's blame game will bein full mode now and his supporters are trying to sell the idea that the indictments clear the President, but it DOES NOT.  It actually moves the next phase of the investigation to those who colluded and aided the Russian effort.

And to make matters worse, the republicans in congress are ditto heads who are willing to stoop as low as the President, sacrifice those principle's that have made America the great country it is, support Trump's agenda and even his hateful lies.

But PolitiDose early on understood the importance of Trump's asking Russia to hack Clinton's emails and how that was the act of a traitor and unstable person.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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