Sunday, August 3, 2008

Road to 60: The Ad Wars

As Democrats seem almost certain to pick up five Senate seats this November (Virginia, New Mexico, New Hampshire, Colorado, & Alaska), with many other races in single digits (Oregon, North Carolina, Mississippi, Kentucky, Minnesota, & Maine), the ad wars have already gotten heated.  

This latest ad from the DSCC is up in response to Elizabeth Dole's ad claiming that North Carolina needs her because of her "clout" in the Senate:  

In Oregon, in a race that has gone from double digits to neck and neck in just a few months, incumbent Republican Gordon Smith would like to fool Oregonians into believing that he is an independent, maybe even a Democrat.  How is Smith going about doing this? Well, the latest two ads Smith has released tout his relationship and supposed friendship with Senators Barack Obama and John Kerry and claim that he (Smith) has stood up to George Bush.   Smith is clearly doing everything he can to hide the fact that he is a Republican, but Smith is a Republican and this ad exposes why Oregon needs to elect Jeff Merkley to the Senate:

It's great to see the DSCC putting its extensive financial warchest to good use early on --- exposing the incumbent Republicans as what they truly are while allowing the Democratic candidates to stay above the fray and talk about solutions to the problems of their respective states and the country at large.   

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

I hope the democrats pick up the 60 and even more for a cushion. Especially if McCain wins. If McCain wins and the democrats have enough votes to control then they can get things done.