Saturday, November 18, 2017

A Cowardly Act By The GOP Controlled U.S. House of Representatives.

The republican controlled U.S. House passed its tax reform scheme along party lines on Thursday by a vote of 227-205.  All democrats voted no and 13 republicans had the good sense to vote with the democrats.  The republican plan adds $1.5 trillion to the federal deficit, does not represent tax reform, just a continuation of the same trickle down economics of Reagan and Bush 43, does not close the loop holes created for the wealthy and corporate America and those are the groups that benefit the most from the legislation.

House speaker Paul Ryan and his GOP partners were all smiles just as they were when the House passed their anti-American health care plan that was defeated in the U.S.Senate.  Ryan said the following:  "In passing this bill it is the single biggest thing we can do to grow the economy, to restore opportunity and and help those middle income families who are struggling."   Sounds good to the ill informed but those republican smiles were not expressions for the middle class.

The GOP's cowardly act and vote is another reminder how that party represents the few instead of the many.  Deficit spending would once again explode under the House plan as it did during the Reagan and Bush years and would follow the republicans sad fiscal record of not balancing one federal budget since President Eisenhower in 1960.  There is a reason Trump and the republicans could care less about deficit spending and was covered by previous commentary in PolitiDose by this writer.  It will also be the subject of another commentary here in the next few days.

Just in the last week the U.S. Coast Guard said they were short $900 million because of their operations caused by the last three hurricanes.  Federal tax cuts for the wealthy and corporate America will take more federal revenue away from the federal government and needed services will be cut that hurt the people in a negative way.  If the Senate passes their tax plan the country can look for another recession down the road because the record is clear, republican administrations have no record of moving the country forward economically or fiscally.  And when it happens again, remember you read it here first in PolitiDose.  Your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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