Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Past Week Exposed The True Character Of A Few Conservative Republicans

If you thought there was a bottom as to how low some conservatives can stoop, the past week has proven there is no bottom.  The latest was Louisiana's governor Bobby Jindal's comment that President Obama is unfit to be Commander In Chief.  The little boy is mad that the President will not use Jindal's words to describe Terrorists.  He, along with other Republicans want the President to call the terrorists, "radical Islamic terrorists."  Jindal like McCain and Graham are also mad that the President has ruled out American troops in an active combat role in Iraq.

Earlier, former New York City Mayor  Rudy Giuliani accused the President of not loving America which was the subject by this writer in a commentary in "PolitiDose."  The two little boys show just how cowardly they are and their lack of character for their unfounded attacks.  President Obama has a successful record in keeping America safe and fighting terror no matter what Jindal and his party call terrorists.  Bobby and Rudy still want republicans to run the country even though the people rejected their two republican Presidential candidates in 2008 and 2012.

The week also exposed Fox's Bill O'Reilly's claim of being in a war zone during the Falkland's war when he was no where near a war zone.  O'Reilly's news buddies at the Fox network tried to come to his rescue the last few days with phony platitudes that sounded like character witnesses.  But O'Reilly has put his own foot in his own mouth in his own book and in his own words and can not escape the facts.

Those three have no respect for the President, the truth and lack an understanding of the important role respect plays for people in their position.  What a waste.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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