Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Women At The Fox News Network

Almost 6 thousand years ago women played a major role in the life of the very first civilization on earth, that of the Sumerians.  I wrote a previous commentary and outlined the activities and responsibilities they took upon themselves.  That was one reason why that civilization was so successful for such a long period of time.

Fast forward to the 21st. century and you will find the women at the Fox News Network void of having any original thought.  Their sole mission is to look pretty and spout the ideology of those who run the network.  That means every day negative reporting on the President, his policies and his administration.  They would never have made it in Sumerian life.  They continue to let themselves be used to distort the news in an effort to wound the President.

Megyn Kelly and those on Outnumbered have a big problem with facts and lack the skills required to be trusted journalists.  They also lack character in their reporting because they are followers and not leaders.  Its hell when you work for a network and let yourself be manipulated by an unAmerican ideology.  And its even worse when you have to stoop that low in an effort to influence your viewing audiance.

Understanding the past is still the key to a better future.  The women at Fox News not only lost the key, they lost their self respect for fairness in their reporting.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio.

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