Friday, July 19, 2019

The President In The White House Has A Mental Deficiency: Another First For PolitiDose

It was previous commentary by PolitiDose that questioned Trump's mental fitness to be President based on his actions as a candidate and as President.   And now we have his recent rants and tweets with un-American comments about four duly elected representatives in the U.S. House.  The President continues to verbally abuse women he can not control with un-civil attacks of a personal nature.  Trump's mental deficiency has no bounds and he is incapable of fulfilling his oath of office.

Trump's rants and tweets were a quick reminder of his recent run in with the women's soccer team that won the world cup.  A non-political team of women that Trump had to provoke because of his need to insult and dominate women of success.  One of the women players recognized Trump for what he is and said Trump does not like women he can not control or grope.  Is it any wonder that some people in sports said the White House use to be a place of honor to visit, but not any more with Trump there.

There is no question Trump's rants and tweets were racism and his party in congress fell in line like good ditto heads and supported his actions.  It was another episode of Trump and his party's cowardly acts of trying to intimidate women they can not control.  PolitiDose has been at the fore front of describing Trump and his party as cowards in past commentary and just the other day one journalist with the Washington Post called the republicans in congress cowards from the yellow states in reference to Trumps racial tweets.

There is no way to sugar coat Trump's mental deficiency.  He displays it every day in the most profound way.  A corrupt person with no moral compass who respects no one and as a result can not claim respect for his own self.   And that really says it all about the trumpet man.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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