Saturday, November 3, 2018

Megyn Kelly Is Out At NBC

NBC and Megyn Kelly have parted ways after her show was cancelled last week.  Kelly, who came to NBC from the Fox News Network less than two years ago was given a contract for $69 million by NBC.  This writer wrote commentary not long after she was hired and expressed the opinion that Kelly was a pretty face but lacked the talent to be a successful journalist.  Her salary amounted to a give away on NBC's part.

Megyn Kelly was one of the many nice looking women Fox employed and had a popular show only because she followed Fox's policy of promoting conservatism and attacking democrats especially President Obama and Hillary Clinton.  The viewers of Fox news eats that sort of thing up but NBC is of a different venue and Kelly was not able to cope with responsible journalism.  A pretty face will only take you so far.

The end of Kelly and NBC's relationship was no surprise to this writer.  Maybe Fox News will rehire her.

This commentary was written by Joe Lorio

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