Friday, November 15, 2019

Conservative Journalist George Will Must Be Reading PolitiDose

In a political commentary published in the New Orleans Advocate dated 11/14/19 titled, "If congress was serious, it would legislate on migrants."  Will says the following and I quote:  "If congress had even a faint pulse and an ounce of pride it would take to enact laws that set immigration policy rather than churning out faux laws that give to President's discretion tantamount to lawmaking."  And if that sounds familiar, its because you read it here first in PolitiDose long ago and on more than one occasion.

The big difference is Will failed to mention that one party in congress, the republicans, Will's own party, was silent that it has been the President  and his own party that has failed to take up immigration reform by legislating ever since Trump took office 33 plus months ago.  In fact Mitch McConnell, Trump's leader in the U.S. Senate said he did not know what Trump's policy was on immigration.  But that is no excuse for the republican controlled Senate not to act.

Will also failed to note that the democratic part of congress when they controlled the U.S. Senate did pass immigration reform that passed in 2013 that was joined by 14 republicans in a bipartisan vote.  That was a good immigration reform bill but the republican controlled U.S. House just let the bill die and never took it up for debate.  This writer thinks it is safe to say republicans do not want to legislate immigration reform because they are aware that immigrants favor democratic elected officials.  And legislation means more legal immigrants in America.  Oh, and by the way, the republican party has controlled the U.S. Senate for almost 5 straight years which means they had the opportunity to introduce immigration reform legislation even during the administration of President Obama and failed to do so.

George Will agrees with past PolitiDose commentary that immigration reform needs to be addressed by congress but can not bring himself to report that the democratic part of congress actually did act with legislation.  And one can be certain if the democratic party takes controlled of the U.S. Senate in the 2020 elections and keeps control of the U.S. House, they will once again act with immigration reform legislation.  They understand that is the way to address the issue with policy.   So stay tuned to PolitiDose, for your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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