Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Pundits Are All Over The Lot Trying To Explain Why Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards Was Re-elected.

The editorials in the New Orleans Advocate are becoming comical with opinions why and how JBE was re-elected over his republican opponent Eddie Rispone.  This writer would like to offer the following:  JBE was the candidate who campaigned among the public while Rispone did not.  JBE had policy and plans while Rispone had personal attacks and a extreme agenda he could not explain .  Louisiana is not a red state just because it voted Trump in 2016 and the state legislature is mostly republican.  JBE carried Jefferson Parish, a republican stronghold and swamped Rispone in Orleans parish, one of the most diverse parish in the state.

The foundation for JBE's victory was laid in the November 2016 Presidential election when Hillary Clinton won the popular vote 48% to Trump's 46%.  It was a democratic blue wave margin of over 2 million votes in Clinton's favor.  Then in the November 2018 congressional elections the democrats took control of the U. S. House.  The democratic candidates received a total of 58,990,609 million votes to the republican candidates 50,304,975 votes, a democratic margin of 8.6 million more votes.  The republicans had controlled the U.S. House for the previous 8 years.

Then just this month the democratic blue wave vote returned control in the Virginia state legislature to the democratic party for the first time in over a decade.  That same day in Kentucky, the democratic blue wave vote ousted Kentucky's republican governor and elected a democrat governor to lead the state.  It was a state Trump carried easy in the 2016 election.  And only a week later the democratic blue wave vote re-elected JBE over his republican opponent despite Trump and his party's campaign trips to Louisiana.

The democratic blue wave vote is alive and well and responding to Trump and the republican party's failure to lead and their corruption, traitorous acts, lack of legislation concerning immigration reform, infrastructure, gun contgrol and other vital issues.  The pundits, Trump, the republican party and many in the news media still don't understand the difference between a conservative voter and political conservatism.  There is no such thing as a conservative elected official and the voters are making the point with their votes.  And conservatism among Louisiana elected officials just does not exist in fact.  They are radical extremist who put their party above the state, the people, the constitution and the country.

The democratic blue wave vote that is taking place is led by a younger generation who sees things as they are and making their voices known to change the status quo.  They are not going to stay home and complain.  Their ideas will be taken to the public for real action and backing it up with their vote. There is really no secret to JBE's re-election.  The voters were not going back to what use to be.  And that was not a cliché by the Edwards campaign.  The voters actually remembered the past.

And as this writer has noted many times over in PolitiDose, "The key to a better future, is understanding the mistakes of the failed past."  I think the people of Louisiana realized that when they cast their vote for JBE.  And that democratic blue wave vote re-elected the best candidate.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

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