Wednesday, December 29, 2010

ATP Oil and Gas Corporation: An Open Letter To President Obama

The Chairman and CEO of ATP wrote an open letter to President Obama which was published in the Times Picayune dated 12/27/10. One would think the Chairman, T. Paul Bulmahn would have been satisfied not to make the letter to the President public but propaganda has always been a part of the oil and gas industry dealings with the public. During the administration of Bush 43, V.P. Chaney met with the energy industry executives and their discussions and decisions were and still are secret. They did not think the people had a right to know. If Mr. Bulmahn's company participated in those meetings with the V.P. perhaps he should write another letter and make the discussions and decisions of that meeting public.

Mr. Bulmahn starts his letter out by reminding the President gasoline at the pump is already climbing over $3.00 gallon. He fails to note it hit $4.00 gallon on Bush's watch and has been at its highest sustained cost since Bush took office. During the Gulf War in 1991 when Bush's father, George H.W. Bush was President, the average yearly cost of a barrel of oil during his 4 years in office was $32.04. (See Note 1) Today it is over $90 barrel and on Bush's 43 watch it hit $140 barrel.

The import of Mr. Bulmahn's letter to the President is to approve a permit to drill OCSG 16661, Mississippi Canyon Block Well #4 which has yet to be approved. He also speaks about his company's safety record and the fact that offshore drilling has been taken place in the Gulf for over 60 years. He ends his letter asking the President to give ATP a permit to return to work rather than forcing more American jobs to be lost.

What was missing in the letter is the fact that with over 60 years of drilling experience in the Gulf, Mr. Bulmahn's industry does not have the technology or equipment to TIMELY cap a blow out such as BP's Macondo well nor the equipment to TIMELY clean up any leaked oil from the waters before the oil hits shore. One has to assume ATP does not possess that ability to do so any more than BP. If I am wrong he should have told the President about his company's ability to do so.

The price of a barrel of oil and gallon of gasoline is manipulated by the oil industry and the sustained high price of both since Bush 43 took office and their secret discussions with V.P. Chaney is the Rosetta Stone. The industry is noted for cutting production to bring about shortages which is used to manipulate prices. The American people need to keep in mind that the industry has been given special tax breaks and incentives since the very beginning to find and produce more oil but our nation is more dependent on foreign oil today than ever before. Just ask Boone Pickens.

We hear a lot about lost jobs from the industry because of the moratorium and about rigs moving over seas. Well lets explore the following: In 2001 the average number of drilling rigs working in the Gulf of Mexico was 119. In 2008 it was 64, a loss of 55 rigs and there was no moratorium in effect during that period of time. Where did those 55 rigs go, what happened to those jobs, did they go overseas? Were those workers laid off? The industry has never made comment on this. According to the oil and gas industry there were 35 rigs working the Gulf when the BP rig blew. (See Note 2)

The oil and gas industry own, lease or rent millions of acres that they have yet to drill one well on. Instead of laying off workers they should be drilling those properties and putting their people to work. The American oil companies will never produce enough oil to make our country self reliant. They would have to stock pile the inventory and that would bring prices down. They perfer the manipulation game, continue to cry wolfe and continue to receive tax breaks and other incentives that do not produce one extra barrel of oil or one extra gallon of gasoline.

The major oil companies should be broken up and scattered to the wind. Their take over of other oil companies thru the years has also not produced one extra barrel of oil or gallon of gasoline. It has only produced larger companies and wealth for their CEO's and Executives. That says it all.

Note l: Inflation Data.Com. Historic Oil Prices May 2008

Note 2: Times Picayune report dated 1/17/10, page E-4

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What Will The New Year Bring Politically

A repeat of past mistakes or the wisdom to learn from the past and have a better future. A triple history will begin the New Year in January 2011 with President Obama starting his third year in office. Our nations major combat role in Iraq is over; the congress will be split with democrats controlling the U.S. Senate and the republicans controlling the U. S. House; the expectation of the economy making big gains, a continued expansion and the best since the early part of 2007. Job creation should be a certainty with the economic expansion.

The question is will our leaders learn from the past mistakes to determine the country's future. The previous administration did not and our country and its people paid an awful price. President Obama during his first two years in office succumbed to the past on a few issues and now has two more years to apply what he has learned and lead our country and its people into the future.

We know the republicans in congress will be little help since they want the President to be a one term leader. The President does have enough clout to over come that and must exert his leadership and courage to do so. The President also needs to reduce our troop presence in Afghanistan in a big way in 2011. It can be done without harming our national security. The U.S. has the intelligence capacity, military power and equipment to take care of the terror threat without occupying other lands.

Since no republican administration has presided over a balanced budget in over 50 years, actually 1960, the President needs to avoid the PAST mistakes of that party and apply what he has learned to reducing future deficits and balance the budget. President Clinton's ideas and knowledge of the budget would be a good place to start to reverse the sad fiscal PAST of the previous republican administrations.

The republican party has learned nothing from the PAST failure of trickle down economics that started with Reagan over 30 years ago. Bush 43 repeated the same PAST mistake with his tax cuts for the wealthy and dammed the future of his time in office. President Obama will have to support policies that will truly work to better our future. We know where we have been on the subject and we do not dare go there again.

President Obama has a unique position having served two years as chief executive. If he has not learned from the PAST the country and its people are in real trouble. He knows why deficit spending is a problem, why we can not afford to stay in Afghanistan, why we have to have an expanding economy and job creation and the many other problems that have been with us for so many years. It is now time to reverse the PAST and do those things that really matter and make a difference for our future and future generations.

Over six thousand years ago the very first civilization, that of the Sumerians said they were taught that the PAST is the key to the FUTURE. It is my hope that 6000 years later, we in this generation will be able to say that in the year 2011 the U.S. learned from its PAST and created a great FUTURE for its country and its people.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The 111th. Congress: No "Lame Duck" Session Here

Congratulation to U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi and U.S. Senator Harry Reid for their leadership and courage as leaders of the U.S. House and Senate for keeping the congress in session and demanding that congress act on legislation concerning important bills that affect the country and its people. Senator Reid had to make it known to the little boy republicans that he would keep congress in session thru the holidays until the senate completed its business.

The accomplishments of the democratic controlled congress proved the "lame duck" label to be wrong and should give people in the news media a lesson in media failure. No wonder people are negative concerning politics. It is bad enough that far too many people do not really pay attention to what takes place. A negative news media is unacceptable.

I wrote a post on December 20 titled "President Obama and The Next Two Years" and pointed out that this congress would take care of its business before the end of the year. Not many people agreed. The hand writing was on the wall really for everyone to see. Democrats do not always agree, but they put their country and its people first. They were going to let it be known they still run the show in the majority and would not let the republicans and outside forces make this session of congress a "lame duck." The handful of republicans who bucked their party's leadership and voted yes concerning DADT and the Start Treaty should also be congratulated.

The importance of the legislation passed by this congress will play out in time as it is implemented. Coupled with the fact that the economy continues to gain steam and the job picture will continue to get better proves once again democratic policies move the country and its people forward while the opposite happens when the republicans are in control. The republican leadership in the U.S. House and Senate did their best to make this congress a "lame duck" but democratic leadership and courage prevailed. At a time of what could have been a crisis, President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid stepped forward with leadership and courage. That says it all.

Monday, December 20, 2010

President Obama And The Next Two Years

The democratic controlled congress will end the year on a positive note by passing meaningful legislation even though the congress was called "lame duck." In a flurry of action before the end of the year the American people and the country will come out a winner despite the whinning of those little boy republicans. There were some doubts that anything would pass because of the mood in congress but the democrats, despite their differences held every thing together and the bulk of the legislation that has passed and that will soon pass will benefit the middle class the most. That is the key to a complete economic recovery that will continue to create jobs.

The task for the President and democrats in congress will be much tougher the next two years because republicans will continue to say no and try to block the Presidents agenda. The President and democrats need to stay on message and take their case to the people so things will get done. The President did not do that as well as he could have during his first two years in office. The republicans will also try to reverse some of the legislation passed in the last two years and the President will have to stand up for democratic values and the people and push back.

The President and democrats are on the right side of history at this point in time and need to remind the people every time the republicans open their mouth that it is the democratic party that has the best record on handling the economy, job creation, low unemployment, advances in the average workers wages, decrease in poverty rates, balancing the federal budget and paying down debt. The lowest average yearly price of a barrel of oil and gallon of gasoline in the past 34 years also took place on the democratic watch. The child tax credit, college tuition credit, child care, family leave and many other benefits are democratic programs. President Obama needs to tell the story often to combat the false hoods and lies of the republican party and those right wingers in the news media, especially Television.

Let the republicans talk about how they cut taxes for the wealthy over the average citizen. The people should have learned by now how republican administrations get into the average citizens pocket a hundred different ways with their failed trickle down economics. The record job losses, economic disaster and high unemployment of the previous administration did not happen by accident, it happened because of the republicans warped ideology.

The President and democrats in congress can make their case with the people. The economy is getting better every day and in the near future job creation will hit those numbers necessary to reduce unemployment. And as usual, it will happen on a democrat's watch because of democratic policies and actions. Republicans will continue to be the party of no because they seek failure, but democrats will succeed once again in turning the economy around. That says it all.

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Anti-American Republicans In Congress

The so called lame duck session of congress which is now in progress will not be considered "lame duck" if the congress deals with the legislation before that body by the end of the year. The roadblock is the anti-American leaders for the republicans in the House and Senate. They throw up one roadblock after another to deny President Obama and the democratic congress any legislative victories.

The republican vow to make Obama a one term President has trumped their responsibility as legislators to take care of the business of the country and its people. And to think that voters made the republican party the majority in the House next year is chilling. The voters learned nothing form the past republican record of failure.

And because Senator Reid said he would keep the Senate in session until the country's business is taken care of, one republican accused Reid of being un-christian like. A typical ploy because republicans have no record to debate the issues so they resort to the usual personal attacks.

The big issues that are pending before congress are a no brainer. They have all been vetted. DADT, Defense bill, Start Treaty and the normal legislation to keep the government running. The republican position on those items have no credibility just like they have no credibility on balancing the federal budget.

In 2011 and 2012 the country and its people will know if President Obama had the leadership, character and courage to deal with the anti American leaders in the republican party. Those little boys need a good spanking. It falls to you Mr. President to administer that spanking, the voters do not seem to be qualified to do so.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Congratulations To Bob Marshall And His Editorial Opinion

Bob Marshall, outdoors editor for the Times Picayune scored a whopper in his editorial of December 12 titled, "Our Abusive Relationship With Big Oil." As a person who has spent a lot of time outdoors in Louisiana Mr. Marshall knows first hand the damage the Oil and Gas Industry is responsible for concerning our marshes, wet lands and coastal area.

Mr. Marshall points out how big oil uses political cash and threats of job cuts to get its way with politicians. He reports the industry bullied the state into allowing marsh-killing dredging for wells and pipe lines, and that the devastating damage was known but the state still allows it today. He also points out our elected officials protect the abusers. Mr. Marshall has credibility on the issue.

This writer has written a number of post commentary concerning the subject matter in the recent past, especially since the oil spill and pointed out how the oil industry and their lobby and wealth has paid off for them with our elected officials. It was also pointed out in those commentaries how elected officials were doing the oil industry's bidding during the spill by opposing the moratorium.

The only thing lacking in Mr. Marshall's editorial was former Governor David Treen's support for CWEL, (Coastal Wetlands Environmental Levy) Legislation that would have exacted a price from the industry and used to restore the damage they caused. Our elected officials have refused to even consider CWEL as a means to have the oil industry pay up for their abuse of the environment.

Elected officials in Louisiana do not have the character, leadership or courage to stand up to the industry concerning the environmental damage they have caused the state and its people who have been paying the tab. The BP spill has taught them nothing. When the oil industry spreads their wealth, our elected officials stand up and listen. There can be no doubt the influence and role campaign contributions play in our political system It is no wonder the average citizen comes last.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Lost In The So Called Bush Tax Cut Debate

Anyone who follows politics should know the real issues get lost in any political debate and on purpose by our political leaders and the news media. That is the way political leaders work. It is a con game to deflect the real issue, but why does the news media go along with this con game. Do they lack the ability to recognize the real issues? I think not.

The present con game concerns the so called Bush tax cut agreement by President Obama and the republicans. But the tax cuts are really not the issue and are not really tax cuts. The real issues are: (1) The republicans vote against extending unemployment benefits for those who have been out of work for a long time (through no fault of their own) and other benefits that went along with it. (2) The republican vote against extending the Bush tax cuts for the middle class that was passed by the U.S. House. Those republican votes against those two issues is in keeping with the republican party's anti American ideology. The republican opposition and negative vote on the above is the real story that should be talked about because those proposals would do more to help the economy expand and create jobs.

The extension of the tax cuts are a separate matter that should be debated as a stand alone item and should not be a part of any compromise with the other issues. Compromise is used by politicians to avoid making difficult choices because of a lack of leadership and courage. The question to answer is, did the tax cuts do what they were supposed to do for the economy, job creation and reducing deficit spending.

Two recessions took place while the tax cuts were in effect. The last one being the most severe with record job losses. As of this writing the tax cuts are still in place and not creating any jobs. In fact it is President Obama's stimulus package that is responsible for the jobs being created now. Also while the tax cuts were in place the Bush administration ended its term in office with eight years of record federal deficit spending and added $6.1 trillion to the national debt in those budget years. A case can be made that just on the above, all the tax cuts should be left to expire. That is the reason a sunset date was put on the legislation. However, with the severity of the present economic situation, one can also see it would be wise if any extension is given it should be given to the middle class only because they are hurting more than any one else and would be more likely to help the economy.

Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 left our country in such terrible shape fiscally with their record deficit spending and debt in the 20 years they served, the country can not afford to extend the tax cuts without funding to pay for them. Adding another $900 billion to the deficit is not acceptable, period. Democrats should not be a part of the continued deficit spending that is the trademark of republican administrations.

The above items should be debated separately to insure common sense be applied. The political process is wrong to do other wise and no help will come from the show business media, especially Television. They believe in confusing the people by bundling all the issues together to fill up air time.

The past is still the key to the future as I have written about in past commentaries. I'm afraid that the President and Congress are about to repeat the mistakes of the past from what I am seeing and hearing. If that happens, what a shame for the future.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Another Positive Report On The U.S. Economy

The Associated Press reports in a story dated 12/6 the economy is firing on almost every cylinder except jobs. Factories are busier, incomes are rising and the holiday season is shaping up as the best in four years. Some economists dismissed the November job numbers as a technical fluke and think the numbers will be revised up later. ( This writer predicted the same thing in a recent post a few days ago. )

Goldman Sachs revised its gloomy forecast of a 2% increase in the GDP in 2011 to 2.7% and then forecast a 3.6% growth for 2012. ( These numbers are close to the numbers I predicted in the same post alluded to above.) Chief economist James O'Sullivan at MF Global says the upward momentum of the economy has traction. In fact Mr. O'Sullivan asked, which are you going to believe, one month of payrolls or all the other data.

Jack Kleinhenz, chief economist at the National Retail Federation said we've had a unique recession and therefor a unique recovery. Others pointed out that the conditions were so bad it turned a normal recession into the worst recession in 70 years.

Readers of politidose know that in past posts I spoke about the severity of the recession and the loss of jobs and it would take time for the recovery. Those who had an axe to grind were blinded by their own folly, like the republicans and their ideology that triggered the economic meltdown.

The policy and steps the Obama administration has taken are working and the economy is getting where it should be. Slow job growth should have been expected and the fact of the matter job creation is getting better and will continue to do so. Once again it will be a democratic administration that turned the economy around and once again without any help from the republicans or their party. Republicans still have no positive record on the economy or job creation.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

President Obama And The Extension Of The Tax Cuts

On December 6 the President announced an agreement where by the Bush era tax cuts would be extended two years, unemployment payments would extend for 13 months and other tax reductions and tax benefits would be enacted. The response from the news media, democrats, republicans and others was swift and furious. The decision by the President was called sellout, a good compromise and other descriptions.

This writer is an Obama supporter although my first and second choice for the democratic nomination in '08 was Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. That did not happen and with the nomination of Obama I felt he would be a better choice than the republican nominee. After almost two full years in office I still feel he was the better choice over the GOP, especially with the shape the GOP left the country in. There are a few things however that needs to be addressed that did not appear in any comments that I heard concerning the Presidents decision on the subject matter.

First and foremost is to keep in mind the President is voted on and elected by the people in all 50 states. He represents all 50 states and all the voters in all 50 states because of that. House and Senate members of Congress are elected by the voters of only ONE state and represent the voters of only that ONE state. President Obama campaigned on ending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy by letting them expire and for good reason. His compromise on the issue by extending them for two more years is an abdication of his Presidential leadership role given to him by the voters in all 50 states to members of congress that represent a different party and have no responsibility to the nation as a whole. The President is the leader of our Nation, not members of congress and the President should carry himself that way.

In this writers judgement the President could have prevailed on the tax issue and the extension of insurance for the unemployed if he would have governed from a leadership position. Presidents Truman and Clinton did it even with hostile republicans in congress. President Obama was on the right side of both issues, the republicans on the wrong side and Obama could have prevailed. The Presidents decision could trigger two things. First it could assist the republicans in making him a one term President. Second, the Presidents decision to forego his promise of not extending the tax cuts for the wealthy could be the equivalent of former President Bushs statement, "read my lips, no new taxes."

The extension of the tax cuts for the wealthy will add billions of dollars to the national debt and the deficit. That deficit spending has been the trade mark of republican administrations for over 30 years and adds to the problem of the Obama administration to balance the federal budget. Plus the two years extension date will be a debate issue again in two years. The abdication of Presidential leadership by adding to the national debt plays right into the republicans hands of their desire to bankrupt the federal government.

George Bush started two wars and failed to ask America to a shared sacrifice by all its people and pay for those wars. Instead he set America on course to record federal deficits and debt. President Obama should have pointed out to the people that we could no longer operate in that manner and we would all have to sacrifice and pay our share, especially the wealthy. Instead, the wealthy received a Christmas present early. Presidents Roosevelt and Truman during WWII asked and received from the people their sacrifice. This writer thinks we should permanently stamp the oval office floor with President Kennedys remarks. "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." President Obama failed to ask the wealthy what they could do for their country in time of need and failed to stand up to the republican party.

I was a young boy during WWII and I remember the sacrifices and the hardships the nation and its people made during that war. All able bodied Americans were proud to join the military in time of need and family they left behind did more than their part a the homefront. Remember the saying the Reagan Revolution? That so called revolution put the nation on the path to record deficits and debt at the time and also on the path to trickle down economics which was actually special treatment for the wealthy. The problem was the middle class paid the price of the Reagan Revolution, deficit spending and debt while the wealthy enjoyed their special treatment.

The President had another option. He could have announced early on that he would let the tax cuts expire as scheduled at the end of the year, and then early in 2011 propose the middle class tax cuts and make them retroactive to the first of the year. It was the republican controlled congress who put the sunset date on the tax cuts to begin with and Obama could have used that against them. A President showing leadership could have made that case.

From here on, President Obama needs to show his leadership and courage to the American people and distinguish how the democrats are truly representative of all the people and reverse the sad record of the republican party and past republican administrations. The wealthy have to be kicked off the gravy train and contribute their fair share. Leadership, character and courage is what the President should display in the coming year and beyond. Any thing less will be tragic for America and its people.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Presidents Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43: The Axis of Runaway Deficit Spending and Debt

If those three so called conservative republican Presidents would have balanced the federal budget during the 20 years they served the country would not be going through the fiscal nightmare we find ourselves in today. Make no mistake, the coming assault against Social Security, Medicare and other needed programs, increase in taxes that will be borne mainly by the middle class and continued tax breaks for corporate America will be the vehicle that will be used to reduce the national debt. That works hand in hand with the ideology of Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 and the republican party in their attempt to bankrupt the federal government.

The republicans rubber stamped their record deficit spending and debt and made no attempt to pay for such spending along the way. Now since a democrat is in the White House they have seen the Lord and are seeking to cut the budget and pay for various legislation except for their own priority like the extension of tax cuts for the wealthy. Their ideology dictates the wealthy should be exempt from any sacrifice and pain.

The Deficit Reduction and National Debt Commission appointed by the President to study the problem has come up with recommendations that will mostly impact the middle class in an effort to get deficit spending and debt under control. The commission took no position on the extension of the Bush tax cuts even though those taxes that cover the wealthy if extended will add billions of dollars to the national debt and do nothing to stimulate the economy. So much for fairness by the commission.

Conservative republican administrations that preach "no new taxes" have been getting into the pockets of the middle class for years and the present time is the worse. The bill has come due on the reckless spending of republicans, the transfer of wealth has been complete from the middle class to the wealthy. Reagan has passed away and Bush 41 and Bush 43 are no longer in office and could care less about the damage their reckless spending and debt has harmed the country and its people. The irony of it all is that Bush 43 has been promoting his new book about his years in the White House and journalists are falling all over each other to interview him but I have not heard one journalist ask him about his record deficit spending and the $6.1 trillion added to the national debt on his watch.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Rachel Maddow Show Of December 3

Rachel Maddow on her Friday show for MSNBC debunked the notion of President Ronald Reagan being a fiscal conservative when she explained with charts how the National Debt increased 186% on his watch. She also mentioned how George H.W. Bush during the 1979 republican primary for President called Reagan's economic plan and tax cuts Voodoo economics. And of course it turned out to be true.

For those readers of "Politidose" who watch the Rachel Maddow show, if what she reported sounded familiar it is because you read it hear first on "Politidose" in my commentary dated Feb. 17, 2008 titled, "The U.S. Economy: Which Party Performs Best, Part II. Be that as it may, I congratulate Rachel for bringing the people up to date in a media that has national coverage.

Rachel's report comes at the proper time because the republicans, feeling their oats since regaining the U.S. House are once again trying to influence the America people that they are the best at cutting spending and etc., even though they have no record of doing so.

The news media in general and journalists have let slip by all those years the true sad record of the republican party concerning their record deficit spending and debt. MSNBC now has one journalist, Rachel Maddow who seems to realize the problem and is willing to arm the people with facts.

Once again I congratulate Rachel for putting out this information and I hope she will continue to expose the republicans phony ideology and lies.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

American Journalism: A Lack Of Facts, Courage and Guts

It is this writers opinion that American Journalism as we know it today has failed to report the facts and inform the people concerning those things that really matter and make a difference. The latest example includes the recent congressional elections that returned control of the U.S. House to the Republican party and President Obama accused by some journalists of having no guts in dealing with the republicans. (that could end up being the case but as of now it is not.) Some journalists who report the news, printed and broadcast have become the biggest hypocrites and there fore have no credibility in their reporting, yet the American people are fed their trash. Lets take some examples.

If President Obama has no guts in dealing with republicans then journalists have even less. They showed no guts in the run up to war with Iraq or during the war by buying everything Bush said about Iraq having WMD without any challenge. They even down played the U.N. inspectors who were on the ground in Iraq for 7 straight years after the Gulf war and then before the Iraq war and said that Iraq had no WMD. Then they ran with the talking points of republicans that those who oppose the war were unpatriotic. They entertained retired Generals on their TV shows nightly that repeated the Bush line about Iraq's WMD and were melted like hot cheese.

In the news now is the massive debt of the U.S. known as the National Debt. Yet journalists have no guts on the subject and have failed to point out that the record deficit spending of Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 that covered 20 years is a direct result of why the country has a debt problem. Those 3 administrations have accounted for the majority of the country's debt. It all started with Reagan. The National Debt stood at less than one trillion dollars when President Carter's last fiscal year budget ended. It is now over $13 trillion and the Reagan administration has the distinction of putting the country on the road to massive debt. And journalists have yet to really report that in-dept and how Bush 41 and Bush 43 have carried out that legacy of debt. Bush 43 carried that legacy out on a massive scale.

There is so much trash fed the American people by journalists that the Fox News Network openly lie about certain issues. They continue to run with republican talking points even when they know they are false. They like to talk tough but have no guts to debate the facts about the un-American ideology of conservatives.

Journalists have failed to point out the success the average American enjoyed during President Clinton's years and how the country grew as a whole and left no one behind. They do not have the guts or courage to compare the Clinton administration to the Bush or Reagan administrations and how Clinton reversed the 12 straight years of record deficit spending by the Reagan-Bush administrations and produced surpluses.

And the worst reporting by journalists is their constant repeating of the republican talking points about democrats being the big spenders when in fact it is republican administrations who are the biggest spenders. No guts their either. All one has to do is go on line to the CBO for the facts or read my previous past commentary noted below.

The future of journalism is in the hands of those who are now pursuing such a career. Hopefully they will tell the American story in a different way that actually reflects American ideals, truth and facts that do not threaten any one but truly informs the people so they can actually understand what is taking place and make an informed judgement.

Note 1: The National Debt: Betrayal and Devastation dated 12/6/2009