Saturday, February 29, 2020

Election 2020: What You Will Not Hear From The News Media, PolitiDose Will Articulate In Its Commentary. Part I

Don't expect the news media to be a fair voice for accuracy in their reports concerning the Presidential nominees and or those running for a seat in congress this election year.  The words conservatism and liberal will be tossed around and used to describe individuals and party alike, like always, but the words have lost their meaning to the sound bites of political rhetoric.  In fact the words have been used as an excuse to divide.

The media who has devoted most of its coverage to Trump beginning with the 2016 Presidential campaign has sucked all the air out of real news coverage and the real issues fell to the ground and were overwhelmed by the extraordinary coverage bestowed on the Trumpet man.  They simply became a part of his propaganda and fake news.  And they are primed to give him more coverage this election year.

PolitiDose will fill the void and report the facts on issues important to the voting public during this election year and will also destroy the myths of republican conservatism and the news media's sorry support of those myths in their own commentary.  Any one who has watched the democratic debates surely knows how ill informed the moderators are on the issues because of the questions asked by them.

The 2020 election is about the future and that is what PolitiDose's commentary will be all about.  So stay tuned to PolitiDose for your daily dose of political commentary and stay tuned for Part II coming up next.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Coronavirus Is Not The Cause Of The Recent Stock Market Decline.

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week the DJIA dropped approximately 2000 points.  Wall Street, the financial networks and Trump's ditto heads blamed it on the coronavirus, but don't take that excuse too serious.  The real cause lays squarely with an overpriced market brought about by the Trump-GOP tax cuts.  Corporate America and the wealthy used those tax savings to buy back stock in the companies they operate which automatically ran up the per share price.  And Trump himself has made statements unbecoming a President that helped stocks to go even higher.  When 2% of the top 100% own 90% of all stocks and bonds, manipulation can take place any time.  And many of those who used their tax savings to buy back their shares have already sold those shares with a great profit.

Then you have the Trump economy that has underperformed the Obama economy, especially in creating new jobs.  The federal deficit continues to rise under Trump as it always does under republican administrations.  The latest reports say income inequality is at its highest level ever.  Unemployment during Obama's last three years in office decreased 1.9%.  In Trump's first three years in office unemployment has decreased 1.1%.  The GDP is still much less than 3% growth per year.

CNBC's financial news and their hosts were wrong on what the Reagan, Bush and Trump tax cuts would produce and they are still trying to sell that failed story.  Its three strikes and you are out.  They have added a new claim lately saying if Sanders is elected President the stock market would be in grave trouble.  So the next time you hear the coronavirus being blamed for a down DJIA, just laugh it off as fake news which is so much in style by the impeached President and his ditto heads.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

CBS and The Democratic Debate

Tuesday nights democratic debate moderated by CBS turned out to be a tragedy for the first 30 minutes because of the two moderators who lost control of the debate process.  They set out a time limit for answers and rebuttal, did not enforce the time limits and allowed the candidates to talk over each other at the same time.  As a result, the first 30 minutes were wasted because the two moderators, like so many debates in the past, use the debates as show business.

After four other moderators appeared on the scene, things calmed down and good questions were asked which prompted a more civil debate on important issues.  The negative moderator remarks of calling Bernie Sanders a democratic socialist surfaced again.  They just can not accept the fact that Sanders is not a democrat.  Worse yet, they over look the republican party's socialist agenda of massive tax cuts, tax breaks and loop holes for Corporate America and the wealthy and the billions of dollars given to the oil and gas industry as if they are in need.  But CBS should be given credit overall as doing a better job with questions than NBC did the previous week in the Nevada debates.

This writer thought Biden and Bloomberg performed the best with specific answers and were knowledgeable about the questions.  Sanders should rethink his medicare for all plan because if he wins the nomination and defeats Trump in the general election the democratic party will not support that plan because it is too costly and could put medicare as we know it in jeopardy.  That would be tragic because medicare has served its purpose for the elderly and the disabled for so many years.  Biden still has the best plan.  Make the ACA better, add the public option and have the government negotiate with big Pharma on the price of prescription drugs to lower the cost.

This writer still believes there are too many debates because it is a flawed set up and needs to be reformed.  The debates are about a future President and what he or she will want to accomplish but most questions are about the past positions like as if problems never change.  One thing is for sure, the upcoming primaries will energize the voters and not very many will remember the debates.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Democratic Debates, The Moderators, The Democratic Caucus and Primaries.

The latest democratic debate before the Nevada Caucus moderated by NBC did very little justice to the candidates and the public.  The questions to the candidate were old of the past debates and void of the real issues the next President will face.  NBC should be ashamed of its performance and its lack of quality time to some of the candidates.  This writer believes their performance showed a lack of understanding what debates are all about.

The democratic Caucus and primaries that have already taken place makes for good press but it is lacking substance for a real analysis.  The story line is the results so far put Sanders way ahead and are basically writing off every one else, especially Joe Biden.  One writer for the AP after the Nevada caucus vote called Sanders the democratic socialist.  Well, Sanders is no democrat and in fact is an independent.  He is in tune with democrats on many issues but does not represent democratic policy, especially on the health care issue.

But reporting on the caucus and primaries are doing their best to link Sanders and the democratic party as one.  Because of those reports Biden is letting it be known there is a big difference between Sanders and democratic policies and position on some major issues facing the country.  Of course reporters who are worth their salt should know that but like some politicians, creating division gives them something extra to write and talk about.

This writer believes the story line about Sanders having a wrap and that he truly represents the democratic party are ill conceived and could harm voter turn out which will be necessary to beat the impeached Trump in November.  The super primaries that will take place in early March and then move ahead will be the barometer for the candidate to beat.  Plus those primaries will feature the whole state voting and not just the small number of voters who vote in the caucus.

The democratic candidates should point out that both Sanders and Bloomberg are not democrats because many voters do not take the time to research the candidates and just follow the sound bites that sound good.  The super primaries will likely change the script being written today in the press.  What is needed from now until the November election is an independent voice that addresses the issues that are so important to understanding the difference between the impeached President and the real democratic party.

PolitiDose intends to be that voice on the issues in multiple commentaries that will start soon.  So stay tuned to PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary for the facts.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, February 22, 2020

The New Orleans Saints: Then There Were Three: Brees, Bridgewater and Hill

All three have been part of the news recently for different reasons but the reasons have nothing to do with any thing that resembles any thought of evaluation or substance.  The news stories are more or less the product of sports writers who have too much time on their hands and not enough of quality talk that has meaning in this writers judgement.

The Brees story of returning for one more year was hardly news.  Sports writers seemed to understand that and all they wanted to do was report once again about Brees personal records as a Saint and even listed a long list of his records like that is good reason for his return.  And of course the usual standby apple polishing statement of how competitive Brees is as a player and can lead New Orleans to another Super Bowl.  Lost in sports reporting is that Brees has not played well in the play offs the past few years and sports writers have yet to ask the most important question that this writer asked after the Vikings eliminated the Saints in the playoffs this past season.  The question asked in PolitiDose was:  Has Payton and Brees seen their best years in a Saints uniform?  This writer believes the evidence says they have.

Then comes a report that Saint's backup quarterback Bridgewater could command a salary of $30 million in free agency.  That is a stretch but NFL owners don't really pay for a players talent.  They are swimming in profits and throw good money around for bad players.  Its not a knock on Bridgewater, but explains why so few teams in the NFL have a winning record year in and year out.

Finally, the most shocking story occurred when Taysom Hill said he was a franchise quarterback.  There is no evidence to back up that statement at all.  His playing time has been of a special role nature, which he does well at.  But once defenses see you play on every play, and in every game like a quarterback does, the story changes.  All one has to do is look at Alvin Kamara.  His talents are well known now by the defense and his production has not lived up to his past performance.  Hill, a franchise player?  This writer can remember many who were given that distinction but never made the grade.

So lets see if any New Orleans Sports writer dare ask the question alluded to above before the Saints start their new season this year.  This writer does not plan to hold his breath.

The Impeached President's Mental Unfitness Worsens and The U.S. National Security Is At Risk.

The latest action by the President purging those from the administration that testified against him under oath during the impeachment process is another traitorous act by a man desperate for revenge against those willing to tell the truth about the corruption in the White House and the man at the top.  Then Trump even carried it farther by purging others who were critical of his actions.  He also reassigned Victoria Coates who was a top official on the National Security Council because she was thought to be an anonymous tell all.

Then the mentally unfit President berated outgoing director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire because his agency informed congress on Feb 13 that Russia is interfering with the 2020 election to try to help Trump get reelected.  Trump got angry with that report and complained Democrats would use that against him.  The impeached President was not worried about the Russian ongoing interference in America's elections, he was only worried about his own reelection.  That intelligence report proves how Trump and the Russians are still colluding to undermine the democratic process.  All is part of the President's cover up of the facts and his betrayal of America and its people.

Trump then took another step trying to silence the intelligence community by naming Ambassador Richard Grenell as acting director of National Intelligence.  Larry Pfeiffer an intelligence officer who helped establish the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said Mr. Grenell is probably the most unqualified individual ever appointed to this position.  It was noted that Mr. Grenell is a staunch supporter of Donald Trump.  And that is what Trump wants, a supporter not qualified in intelligence to shape American intelligence to Trump's fake news and narrative and to stop reporting of Russian continued interference.

The  purge and cover up of Trump's corruption and his continued love for Russian interference has driven the impeached President into a mental state that is toxic to everything Americans have sacrificed for over many generations.  The President's personal attacks against everyone is a symptom of his mental state and dangerous.  And the republican party in congress continue to support and excuse this mental unraveling.  The  shame has never been greater.

Our nation is at risk because the guy in the White House is attempting to destroy the institutions that make and made America great.  And that goes to the heart of this traitorous President.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Roger Stone Sentenced To 3 years And 4 Months In Prison

The mentally unfit and impeached President Donald Trump managed to intimidate his Attorney General William Barr but failed in his attempt to do the same thing to U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson who handed down the judgement on Stone for crimes he was convicted of during a trial by his peers.  Judge Jackson had harsh words for Stone, the attorney general and Trump without mentioning the President's name.

Jackson in her sentence statement admonished the Justice Department's handling of their prosecutor's recommendation to the court and how for the very first time failed to follow their own procedures.  She also blasted the out side pressure during the pre sentencing and how that damaged the lawful process of following the law.  She also spoke about the threats Stone made to her and his outbursts to the courts and the courts system of justice.

So now, once again, another Trump supporter and campaign advisor is convicted by a court of law or pleaded guilty and has been sentenced to prison for crimes committed.  But there is still much of the Trump swamp of corruption that needs to be drained.  The impeached President is talking more and more about a pardon for his convicted crooks and more and more of undermining the criminal justice system because the clock is ticking towards exposing his corruption big time.

Judge Jackson stood tall on sentence day and once again, it was a woman who not only demonstrated she is a better woman that Trump is a man, she demonstrated her character and courage by following the laws and her oath of office she swore to uphold, defend and protect.  A mentally unfit President is a danger to the very heart of Democracy and the republic for which it stands.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Louisiana's Attorney General Jeff Landry: Recent Revelations Should Be A Surprise To No One.

Especially journalists and republican supporters who follow politics.  Landry is a mirror image of Newt Gingrich, Donald Trump and the republican's ideology of using personal attacks against democrats to divide the country and carries that ideology to the extreme on the immigration issue.  Every one should be familiar with Landry's personal attacks against former President Obama and Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards.  And like Trump and his party, the only record Landry has on immigration is rhetoric and lies.

Now comes a report that a company owned by Landry and his brother brokered with another party to supply Mexican workers to help build a natural gas plant in Cameron Parish which resulted in millions of dollars of revenue for the company.  At the same time the Plant's owner was set to receive the industrial tax exemptions the state offers for such new or expanding plants.  In other words double dipping is going on here.  The plant's owner is exempt from taxes and uses low wage imported labor from Mexico and shuts out Louisiana workers who are the ones deserving of the jobs.

Landry's past hypocritical rhetoric against Mexico workers taking jobs away from Louisiana workers constitutes the usual Landry fraud on the subject.  And he used his political position to harm Louisiana workers by bringing in imported workers from Mexico.  Its time for Louisiana to roll back the industrial tax exemption and make sure Louisiana workers are employed on new plant
construction.  Those in politics who say Louisiana does not have the skilled workers available should remember if that is truly the case they should be called out for not having a state program for addressing the problem.  After all, companies have been building plants in Louisiana for over 50 years.

Jeff Landry, Louisiana's attorney general should resign from office over the issue he and his company created.  The state and its people deserve better, especially those Louisiana workers who should have been employed at the plant site.  The greed of republicans and the business community can never be satisfied.  It is also past time for the state to re-evaluate the industrial tax exemptions and in the mean time make sure Louisiana labor has to be used in the construction of new plants.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Attorney General Willam Barr's Self Serving Statement Found Favor With The News Media.

U.S. Attorney General William Barr, Trump's ditto head who runs the Department of Justice made the following self serving statement:  THE PRESIDENT'S TWEETS ABOUT JUSTICE DEPARTMENT PROSECUTORS AND OPEN CASES MAKE IT IMPOSSINBLE FOR ME TO DO MY JOB.  The self serving statement was carried by the news media in general who tried their best to make it look like Barr was putting Trump down.  It comes right out of Trump and the republican's playbook.  But those who follow the news should see through the fog of lies.

The Justice Department's prosecutors recommended to the court in the Roger Stone case that Stone should be sentenced 7-9 years in prison.  After Trump attacked that recommendation, the prosecutors and the judge, Barr then stepped in, overruled his own prosecutors and pushed for a much lower sentence for the impeached President's friend.  Mr. Barr's actions do not square with his public statement mentioned above.  If it did he would have recused himself from saying any thing at all.  In fact Barr's actions over ruling his departments own prosecutors recommendations was so unusual that four of those prosecutors quit or resigned.

This action by Barr coupled with his many past actions of being a Trump ditto head clearly establish the real William Barr and the way he has enabled Trump.  So no, my fellow Americans, Barr did not take a swipe or disparage the impeached President as the news media seems to think and the White House quickly pointed out no harm done.  The impeached President is toxic to every thing he touches and those he touched don't seem to mind it one bit.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Friday, February 14, 2020

Trump's Budget Continues His Party's Record Of Increased Deficit Spending and Fiscal Irresponsibility.

The impeached President introduced his $4.8 trillion fed budget for fiscal year beginning 10/1/20 which expects a budget deficit of over $1 trillion.  The budget makes cuts to many domestic and other programs while increasing spending in other areas.  This is Trump's fourth fiscal year budget.  The budget deficit for fiscal year ending 9/30/19 was $984 billion, just shy of one trillion dollars, up 26% from Trump's 9/30/18 budget that ended with a deficit of $779 billion which was up 17% from President Obama's last fiscal year deficit of $665 billion.  The CBO is expecting this fiscal year budget which ends 9/30/20 to have a deficit that exceeds one trillion dollars.

So Trump is keeping up with a republican trend of increased deficit spending that dates back to 1960, the last time a republican administration balanced the federal budget.  And to make matters worse, Trump's proposed budget is at odds with his first budget and campaign promise to balance the budget in 10 years.  His new budget now promises a balanced budget in the year 2035.  Of course, Trump will be gone long before that.  The democrats in congress said the Trump budget is DOA, in other words, Trump's budget is also impeached.

Trump and his party's irresponsible fiscal ideology of deficit spending and debt was exposed long ago in many PolitiDose commentaries over the past 9 years.  Republican administrations are a fiscal disaster.  The impeached President inherited an expanding economy, positive job creation, low unemployment and a reduction in deficit spending and he now says he can not balane the budget while he is in office.

President Bill Clinton not only cut deficit spending each of his first 4 years in office, he also balanced the budget in each of his last 4 years in office.  A far cry from the trumpet man who claims to have created the greatest of every thing and made America great again.  President Obama inherited a record single year budget deficit of $1.4 trillion from the Bush administration  and left office with a budget deficit of $665 billion, cutting Bush's deficit more than half.  Now Trump in his first three years in office picks up the republican baton of increased federal deficit spending.

By the way, the President's proposed budget also reneged on the agreement he made with congress months ago concerning a spending plan that kept the government open.  Just think, Hillary Clinton informed the public way back in the campaign of 2016 how Trump was so unqualified to be President.  The CBO said the country was looking at single year trillion dollar deficits for the next 10 years and points to Trump's tax cuts as one of the major reasons.

Truckle down economics, the tax cuts of Reagan, Bush and Trump which so many Americans still believe works, even though the middle class is left out, in baseball lingo, its "three strikes and your out."  In the mean time middle class income has hardly kept up with inflation while income for the wealthy and corporate America has sky rocketed to new levels.  Trump's budget cuts will hurt the middle class and those in need the most at a time when income inequality continues to grow.  The Trump budget is another example of his corrupted persona.

Note 1:  President Ronald Reagan presided over the very first ever trillion dollar federal spending budget.  President George W. Bush presided over the very first two and three trillion dollar federal spending budgets.  It took 15 years to go from a trillion budget to a two trillion dollar budget under Bush but it only took Bush 7 years to go from a two trillion dollar budget to a three trillion dollar budget.  And it took President Trump 8 years to go from a three trillion dollar budget to a four trillion dollar budget.  And now Trump's budget numbers tell us he will go to a five trillion dollar budget before he leaves office.

Republican Presidents just love running up federal spending budgets, deficits and the national debt.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio  


Wednesday, February 12, 2020

U.S. Senator Mitt Romney: His Character and Courage Was a Patriotic Act.

Republican U.S. Senator Mitt Romney was the only republican in the U.S. Senate who voted guilty in the Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump.  The other 53 republican Senators voted to acquit.  Romney displayed his character and courage with his vote, said he read all the sworn testimony of the witnesses, and that his oath of office and safeguarding the Constitution had no choice but to vote to convict.

Romney knew the backlash he would receive for his vote from the President, his own party and Trump's ditto head followers, but his character and courage ruled the day.  And sure enough, after his vote Trump and his coward ditto heads attacked him personally to damage his political standing.  But the people in Utah who Romney represents support his decision as Romney took the time to explain his vote.  And Louisiana's republican State Central Committee, a committee of Trump's ditto heads voted to censure Senator Romney in a cowardly act.  They think of themselves as elite but wallow in the gutter with the impeached President.  Senator Romney is more of a man than all the republican ditto heads put together.

The republicans in congress don't think of Romney as a conservative, but he is more of a true conservative than they are because the party today is Newt Gingrich and Trump's party who represent an unAmerican extreme ideology.  But in due time the impeachment of Trump and the vote to convict him will be stronger yet when other revelations come out.  In fact Trump may become the only President to be impeached twice.  Yes, he is that corrupted.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Sunday, February 9, 2020

January 2020 Job Creation, The Impeached President's Failed Promises and The Labor Department's Revisions

The U.S. Labor Department reported the economy created 225,000 jobs in January and that the unemployment rate came in at 3.6%, up from 3.5% the previous month.  It was the 112th straight month of positive job creation and the economy was in its 11th straight year of expansion. The Department also revised Trump's job creation in 2018 down from 2.64 million jobs to 2.3 million jobs and 2017 and 2019 to 2.1 million in each year.

Chris Isidore,  CNN's business host gave a more detailed account of the Labor Departments revisions that actually went back decades concerning multiple Presidential terms in office.  He reported that for the last 36 months of the Obama administration, job creation was revised down by 47,000 jobs for a total of 8.1 million jobs being created during Obama's last 36 months in office.  Job creation during Trump's first 36 months in office was revised down by 354,000 jobs for a total of 6.6 million jobs created during Trump's first 36 months in office.

So President Obama's administration created 1.5 million more jobs than the Trump administration did for that 36 month period.  And once again, it is more proof that destroys Trump's promise that his tax cuts would create more jobs.  (he promised 25 million jobs)  And PolitiDose has a record published in commentary defining how Democratic administrations are better at handling the economy and creating jobs.  (see commentary dated 11/05/2010 Titled, Job Creation for Presidential Terms, 1929-2008)

Trump's state of the union speech about the economy being the greatest ever was another failed promise.  Trump promised the GDP would grow at least 4% a year and could be sustained.  Well after three years in office the GDP has grown at an average annual rate of 2.4%.  Much, much lower than under Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan and other past Presidents.  And recently, Trump's advisers have said the GDP for 2020 will average around 2.1%.

The bottom line after three years in office the economy under the impeached President continues to create jobs at a much slower pace than the previous administration and unemployment remains low.  However, the cost to the tax payers has been increased with Trump's tariffs, increase in deficit spending and a national debt that continues to rise.  The $1.5 trillion tax cut did not produce more jobs nor encourage corporate America to move jobs back to America from their foreign locations like Trump promised.  And in the case of the Trump business empire, none of their foreign operations have been transferred back to America either.  The 14% reduction in the corporate tax rate simply gave corporate America an avenue to buy more of their own stock and run up the price and is why the stock market is so over valued.  But the market is coming down, make no mistake about it.

The Reagan, Bush and Trump tax cuts that favored the wealthy and corporate America and that were claimed to make America more competitive and keep their factories in the U.S. never took place because Corporate America pays little taxes any way and as business people really know, paying taxes is not the problem, greed is.  And they use those tax reductions to fuel their greed.  A larger percentage investment in plant and equipment by corporate America took place on President Bill Clinton's watch and he raised taxes on those making over $200,000 a year.

One can go back for the past 60 plus years and the numbers say democratic administrations perform better concerning the economy than republican administrations.  And when you check it out you will see it was first reported here in PolitiDose many years ago and on a regular basis.

Note:  A reminder that this writer in reporting the job  numbers every month did not include any later revisions by the U.S. Labor Department.  The job numbers were those announced every month by the department.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Trump Is Acquitted, But Trump and The Republicans Traitorious Acts Will Live On

The verdict was expected because Moscow Mitch McConnell said he would not be impartial and he is the republican leader of the republican controlled Senate who were the jury in the impeachment trial.  He also planned every step of the way working with the impeached President to come up with the desired results.  Republican Mitt Romney was the only republican senator who voted guilty and gave his reasons why.  Romney stood tall with character and courage while his republicans conspired and promoted Trump's lies.

All democrats voted guilty and like the democratic controlled U.S. House took a stand for truth, their oath of office, the rule of law and the constitution.  Their character and courage out weighed the political moment.  The republicans turned their backs on everything the Presidency and America stands for.  Truth died that day in the Senate chamber because the republicans in congress preferred to win a political victory than serve their country honorably.  And like Trump, their stained legacy and traitorious acts will live on in American history.

The actions of the republican party justify what PolitiDose wrote long ago that Trump and the republican party are one and the same and that today's republican party, the party of Newt Gingrich, so called conservatives, are the un-American party and represent the extreme.  The stain of impeachment will forever define Trump's presidency and before he leaves office there will be more revelations that will define how the U.S. House carried out its responsibilities when they impeached the President.  And when it takes place, you read it here first in PolitiDose, your daily dose of political commentary.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Nancy Pelosi: Best AT Being A Woman Than Trump and The Republicans Are At Being Men

Democratic Speaker of the U.S. House Nancy Pelosi is so far above Trump and his ditto head republicans in congress in leadership, performance, character and courage they have been rendered a bunch of cry babies who only have political rhetoric and personal attacks on their resumes.  And those ditto head republicans who represent Louisiana in congress are a sorry lot who like Trump place their personal gain ahead of the good of the people and the country.

Some Louisiana republicans were miffed and launched personal attacks against Pelosi for tearing apart Trump's state of the union speech after it was delivered.  But as Pelosi noted rightly so, the speech was a manifesto of mistruths.  She also said later that she prays for Trump because he is off the rails.  Pelosi has an articulate way of having her comments understood by the people concerning Trump and the republicans in congress  corruptive attitude and they can not deal with it.  They are both frustrated because they are incapable of intimidating Nancy Pelosi like they try to do other women.

Pelosi will not back down to Trump and his republican clowns and cowards.  And Louisiana's republicans in congress will continue their regressive do nothing attitude and wallow in Trump's dirt filled world.  So keep up the pressure Nancy and keep working for the American people, the country and the rule of Law.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Trump's Middle East Peace Plan: Another Foreign Policy Failure Where Rhetoric Replaces Substance.

President Donald Trump announced his Middle East Peace Plan along side Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who endorsed the plan and the announcement failed big time.  The Plan had no legitimacy from the beginning because no input was sought from the Palestinians, it favored Israel and violated the principals laid out in several U.N. resolutions long ago that concerned the West Bank and territory all parties agreed to follow.  In other words Trump and Netanyahu were willing to ignore those agreed to U.N. resolutions much like Trump ignored the Iran nuclear agreement and then walked away.

It was another dramatic example how Trump and Netanyahu deserve each other.  And so far, the Plan has been rejected by the Palestinians, the Arab world, Middle East leaders, Muslims and the European Union for the same reasons listed above.  The leader of the Palestinians, Mr. Abbas described the Plan as nothing but a Trump real estate venture.  And once again, President Trump's rhetoric has no substance.

People should remember the position of Netanyahu and other Israel supporters who claimed long ago there would be no peace in the middle east as long as Yasser Arafat was alive and President of the Palestinian Authority.  Well, Arafat died on 11/11/2004 so Netanyahu and his supporters ran out of excuses long, long ago.  Trump's middle east peace plan is a fraud like Trump University and Trump's Charitable Foundation that had to settle those two fraud suits in a court of law.  And now Netanyahu is under indictment for committing fraud among other charges in the indictment.

Both leaders brought their corruptive attitude into the world of politics because they care only about themselves.  And yes, they do deserve each other for presenting a failed plan that has nothing to do with peace in the middle east.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio