Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Democratic Party Represents The Sanity Needed To Govern In Washington, Especially At This Time and Place.

 With less than two months before the Presidential election, President Joe Biden and the democratic party remains the only sane voices in Washington and on the campaign trail.  Their voices are the only ones that are representing America and it's people.  Democratic nominee Kamala Harris is running a positive campaign with a positive and brighter approach to the future.  Trump and J.D. Vance are running a campaign of fear, doom and gloom and as always, their rhetoric is violent and toxic.  It lit the fuse when Trump urged his mob to storm the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.  Trump lit the fuse even before that in the 2016 campaign when he told his audience he could shoot someone in the streets and his supporters would not care.

The GOP CULT controls the U. S. House and are once again threatening to shut down the government this month if the democrats do not meet their demands which have no good reasons.  It is a rerun of previous threats that they use to back off on paying for legislation the congress already passed and committed too.  They are a CULT organization for Trump and do not represent America or it's people.

The doom and gloom Trump and his GOP CULT are anti everything in America and what America the Beautiful stands for and fought for.  They have no policy, just an extreme self agenda that uses personal attacks, rhetoric that is toxic, violent and anti-American.  They attack our military, our veterans who served their country, law enforcement, the rule of law and American's institutions.  Then blame others for their own corruption.

The media has played a role in the rise of Trump and his CULT, especially the conservative media.  Both have enabled Trump and continue to do so.  They gave more coverage to President Biden's age than Trump's convicted criminal status.  The media failed to note that the GOP was the very first major political party in America to nominate a convicted criminal as their Presidential nominee.  The media has played it as the NORM in politics, but the actions of the party was a disgrace on our political system. Chaos is the framework of Trump and his CULT party and the media has become part of it with few exceptions.

America made the right decision when they elected Joe Biden President.  The President and his party have been the sane voices ever since, navigating the chaos of Trump and his CULT who have tried everything to damage the administration.  The President and his party's sanity on the economy, foreign policy, domestic issues and the budget has kept the country moving forward.  Consumer spending is still steady, inflation is retreating, unemployment at historic low levels, record job creation, lower deficit spending, lower drug prices, etc., etc.

As of this writing, the President and his party has retained the sanity of governing for the country and it's people. while Trump and his CULT continue to wallow in their own vomit of extreme rhetoric.  The media has never risen to the occasion to inform the people just how well the country has done on President Biden's watch.  Instead, they made the decision to flood the news cycle with the doom and gloom negative voices of Trump and  his CULT and their desire to tear down all that is good in America.  The shame has never been greater.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio


Monday, September 16, 2024

The Wisdom Of President John F. Kennedy.

 The speeches of President Kennedy were well known because they were articulate on the subject matter and the issues themselves.  and the American people responded in a positive way.  It was a time when the GOP cast their conservatism as being superior to the democratic party's liberalism.  Long before JFK became President, he said the following in his book, "Profiles in Courage."


If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people, their health-, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties-someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, If that is what they mean by a "Liberal" than I am proud to say I'm a "Liberal."

Kennedy's quote tells the story of a philosophy that has worked well for the people and the country over the years.  Fast forward to Trump and the GOP CULT conservatism and one can see nothing but opposition, no policy, just an extreme ideology that rejects democracy and all the good America the Beautiful stands for.  The conservative ideology is chaos and at the time of this writing they are threating a government shutdown once again for no good reason.  The GOP's conservatism even supports Trump as their Presidential nominee, knowing he is a convicted criminal, sexual abuser, fraudster, and a former President who committed a traitorous act by trying to overturn a duly democratic legal Presidential election.  

President Kennedy had it right about Liberalism and the American people can be proud of the accomplishments.  The remarkable thing about Liberalism, it was there when our forefathers designed and adopted the U.S. Constitution, the most liberal document of them all.

And that really says it all.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

The U.S. Economy, Job Creation and the Unemployment Rate for August 2024.

 The U.S. Labor Department announced that the economy created 142,000 jobs in August and that the unemployment rate came in at 4.2%, down from 4.3% the previous month.  It was the 43rd. straight month of positive job growth despite the continued doom and gloom of the negative voices who put the usual spin on the job numbers.  The unemployment rate over the same time period during the Trump administration was 8.4% in August 2020 and job creation was still in a negative position.

The job market is slowing to some degree because that is what the Feds wanted to take place when they raised interest rates high and fast over the last two years.  It is also what the negative voices clamored for and now want to blame it on the economy. The President's inflation reduction act did more to cool inflation than the Feds mind set of having to damage the economy with high interest rates.  

The guessing game continues by the negative voices and those who oppose the President's agenda and    their opinions and predictions are all over the lot as to what the Feds will do next.  The economic recession that began in February of 2020 on Trump's watch ended the 10 years of economic expansion that began on President Obama's watch.  The U.S. economic expansion began again on Biden's watch and the negative voices of doom and gloom hate it.

  The job market may be slowing a bit, but it is not due to President Biden's agenda.  The Feds misguided policy of slowing the economy down and slower hiring with high interest rates to pull back on consumer and business spending is a policy for disaster and is an outdated policy to deal with inflation. Up to this point in time, on President Biden's watch, job creation has been at record levels of any President's 4 year term.  And that includes the 811,000 jobs revision the Labor Department recently announced and also includes the August job numbers.  The unemployment rate remains at a historical low level, consumer spending has been steady, the second quarter GDP was 3% on an annual basis,  Yet, during all that time, the negative voices were talking recession and doom and gloom for the economy.  

The Feds had reasons to lower the interest rates long ago, and the time was right to do so.  The economy needs that assurance now since the end of the year is approaching and Trump has told House speaker Johnson to shut the government down if the GOP's demands are not met by the democrats in congress.  It is just another demand by the negative voices to damage the economy and government in an election year.  The ball is now in the Feds court and they have to act and lower interest rates.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Southern Cal Defeats LSU 27 - 20 In Las Vegas.

 The LSU Tigers lost their third straight opening game under Coach Brian Kelly to Southern Cal in Las Vegas on Sunday.  And like the previous two games, had an opportunity to win the game and failed to do so.  The loss was met with the usual chatter and after the game, coach Kelly pounded the table and let loose with anger how his Tigers should have never lost the game.

So now, four days past Sunday's defeat it is time to take a more sane approach of what was actually known before the game and what we know now, after the game.  One game does not make a season but it does tell a story and should be a reminder.  So, lets explore what was known before the game.  (1)  Last season LSU failed to improve on it's won-loss record over the previous year.  Both years ended with a won-loss record of 9-3 during the regular season.  (2)  last season LSU had a quarterback who won the Heisman trophy, set a quarterback school record for rushing yardage and passing on offense but that still did not translate into a better winning record.  (3)  LSU's rushing last season by it's running backs was not a good enough read as to their future potential.  (4)  The defense did not perform well last year, were penalized too many times, especially in critical situations.  They also did not defend well on third down plays.  It was a down year from the previous year.

What we now know after Sunday's game is that (1) LSU's defense was a hit and a miss, very similar to last years defense, gave up too many big plays and did not tackle well.  Really looked bad on USC's last touchdown with 8 seconds left on the clock.  The secondary let too many receivers run wild.  (2)  LSU's offense was inconsistent, running game looked good and not so good, especially on 3rd down.  It is said that LSU has quality running backs, but that remains to be seen.  Quarterback performed well overall but coordination with offensive line on occasions were lacking and penalized too often.  And the fans were told the offensive line would be the primer this year.  

The critical situations that existed and known before the season started was a new offensive coordinator a new defensive coordinator with no prior experience with LSU or how they might perform and a running game minus Daniels.  And the answer to those questions will not be known until the end of the season.  And to top it off, LSU will have to win 10 of their next 11 games to have a better won-loss record than the last two years.  Coach Kelly's ability to see that takes place is questionable after Sunday's game

This writer believes that under Coach Kelly's tenure, LSU should still be rated a "wait and see" team.  With the changes and circumstances that are taken place, it is hard to see what progress LSU will make.  Kelly and his staff have to step up to the plate and do a much better job.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

The American People Will Elect Kamala Harris President In The November 2024 Presidential Election.

 Vice President Kamala Harris, now the democratic party's Presidential nominee began her campaign on a high note, it is clear to the voters that it is she and not Trump who represent America and its cherished values no matter the issue or the subject.  The media's constant image of President Biden being the old and confusing candidate is no longer on the media's agenda.

All the media has left now is the old and convicted criminal candidate Donald Trump to continue their love affair.  But Kamala Harris has thrown a curve in the media's plans to crown Trump President one more time with their excessive news coverage, over looking his corruption of everything he touches and his toxic and violent rhetoric.  The media is actually comfortable with Trump despite his criminal activity and his threats of retribution.

Hamala Harris put the fun back in campaigning and talking to the people of America.  Its about building on the past success to move forward to a better future.  It is still sunshine every day in America despite 8 years f Trump's personal attacks, corruption and dark outlook for America's future.  Harris is the young candidate with a smile, a bounce in her step who reminds the voters America is not going back to the dark world of Donald Trump.

The media has done its best to try and convince the voters to overlook the facts that Trump is a convicted criminal, sexual abuser, fraudster and a former President who tried to overturn the 2020 Presidential election.  They have failed to question his rap sheet face to face and failed to express the opinion that Trump should withdraw from the campaign because of his criminal record.  In the past, the media has done so concerning other candidates or elected officials who have committed some serious actions.  But with Trump, their media star, they have let it slide.

Kamala Harris represents the future of the democratic party along with other younger democrats and her nomination comes at the proper time because America is in need to change the subject away from the dark voices of Trump and his party.  The American people  have responded to Harris's campaign, her smile, her outlook for America and its people and her determination not to go back and a refreshing look on campaigning being fun to be able to visit and talk to people she will be working for if elected.

 This writer is of the opinion that the majority of American voters will not return to office Donald Trump, a convicted criminal.  The majority vote will not allow Donald Trump to betray the moral fabric that has kept America the Beautiful alive since 1775.  The choice in the November election is clear and in favor of Kamala Harris.

This commentary written by Joe Lorio