Wednesday, August 22, 2007 $15 million lie, a conservative, pro-war organization has just spent over $15 million on an ad pressing the need for support for this war. Now while I do respect the opinions of all people, I do not respect those who straight up lie in order to try to make a point. In this television ad, there is a graphic of the 9/11 attacks, with the airplane flying into the World Trade Center. While this graphic is being displayed, the following statement is read about Iraq:

"They attacked us on 9/11 and they will again"

See, this is what I hate about the republican party, twisting facts in order to fool the American people iton supporting a war that is unnecessary. It has been proven that Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with the 9/11 terrorist attacks. To say that they did is a complete and utter lie. There was not one Iraqi on the hijacked planes. Saddam Hussein had no contact with Osama bin Laden. The "they" that attacked us on 9/11 was al-Qaeda. They were and are still in Afghanistan. By going into Iraq we have done the exact thing that this ad warns us against, just not in the way sees it. By focusing our attention onto Iraq, it left Afghanistan to be re-populated with thousands of new al-Qaeda members. By going into Iraq, we let the man who orchestrated the 9/11 attacks, bin-Laden, escape. If the Republicans truly wanted to fight terrorism and keep America safe, they would support the re-deployment of our troops into areas, such as Afghanistan, where there ARE men who ARE planning to attack us again.


Anonymous said...

While I agree that the wording of that ad is outright misleading, I can also say with total confidence based on first hand experience and knowledge that your calims of aboslutely no connection between Hussein and Al Queda are wrong too. The GOP is notoriuously bad at communicating its message and this is a prime example. Iraq is one of several fronts in the war, the war, as the president explained back in 2001, will be long and difficult. It is not just contained in one area, because it is a war of ideas, and visions. AQ and their ilk do not pay attention to boundries. They do pay attention to the infighting among their enemies. We can all have our opinions, that is what makes us great, we can disagree on how the war is being run, but as long as we disagree on the central idea of this war - that it is a war for our very survival - we are doomed to failure. This is not like our past wars where there was a clear outcome, the enemy does not wish to negotiate, does not wish for reperations, they want us to convert or die.
Again, I know this first hand as I spent a year chasing, capturing, and speaking with them.
In 1941 we were attacked by Japan not Germany, yet we went to war with both because they were tied together as part of a larger issue. The opponents of this current war, I believe, are intentionally wearing blinders. 9/11 was one battle in this, it is not the central focus, just as Pearl Harbor was not the single focus of WW2. These blinders come from a deep hatred of the president. That is everyones right to dislike the man. I did not vote for him in either election. But I can asure you, the information he sees is far different than what we see and he must act in his role.
I hear all the experts aying he lied about the WMD, again I can disprove this, but dont you think that if he did lie about it, that he could just as easily have planted WMD's there to support his lie? Instead he owned up that we did not find the stockpiles we thought we would. BTW, did you notice the vials of Iraqi Phosgene that was "found" at the UN this week?
I like the blog, keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I just watched the commercial that you were refering to in your blog. The only thing that was twisted was your own interpetation of the commercial. When it was stated that "they attacked us" it was refering to Al-Qaeda, not Iraq. It is not the Iraqis that are killing my brother in arms. It's Al-qaeda! Leaving Iraq now only means that we'll be back 5 years later fighting a more determined enemy. Al-Qaeda WILL take over the country, Iran WILL try to control the country along with its' oil, we WILL have a much larger problem than we have now. We must stay in Iraq and ensure that it is stable before leaving. Don't be fooled by your ignorant Democrat leaders by thinking otherwise. It's all politics to them. They promised the public a change in Iraq. If they don't come through, they lose the trust of the public, get voted out and lose power in Congress. Democrats want America to fail! They depend on it for survival!

Joseph Patrick said...

^Sir, I respect your opinion on the war, but do not come and tell me, as a democrat, I want America to fail. That could not be further from the truth. I do not insult your party, I may strongly disagree with them, but not once have I said they want America to fail. We all want America to succeed, we just have different ways of making it happen.

RMoore said...

15 of the 19 hijackers on 9-11 were Saudi. Osama Bin Laden was Saudi. The base of Al Queda recruits, estimated by some intelligence agencies as much as 90%, are Saudi. Saudis are perhaps the MOST fundamentally Islamic people in the middle east. Saudis teach hatred of Christians, and any religion other than Islam, in their schools. In fact, it is against Saudi law for any Saudi to be of any faith other than Islam. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia is a perennial member of David Wallechinsky's list of the world's ten worst dictators. In fact, the year before George W. Bush invaded Iraq, the Saudi leader was ranked as the world's second worst dictator, one ahead of Saddam Hussein. So let me ask all of you Iraq war supporters: How do you suppose you'll win the war on terror when your president is best oil buddies with the biggest source of the fundamental islam that breeds the terrorists? Until you are ready to give up dependance on middle eastern oil, and namely Saudi oil, then a victory over terror like the one you say will happen in Iraq will not happen, regardless of any lies a politician or a would tell you. So, while our soldiers are dying in Iraq, just know this. As much as I hate to say it, it is all for naught. Even if George W. Bush achieves his stated objectives of a free and stable Iraq, with the Iraqi government able to maintain control, and our troops are able to come home, who do you suppose the Iraqi majority of Shiite voters are likely to elect? The displaced Karl Rove??? No. They will elect Shiites. Just like the Shiites who rule in Shiite majority Iran. The Iraq war was a lie from the beginning, and just like all lies told by liars who keep trying to justify their lie, it just gets worse and worse. And I just keep saying, "Yeah, yeah yeah, SURE ;)" And think to myself, "Sheeze, this guy must think I'm just as stupid as he and all the others."

Anonymous said...

Hey, "tennesee soldier" you agree that the wording of the ad is outright misleading" - but, don't follow that thought up with the obvious conclusion that Freedom Watch is lying - do they still teach ethics in the military? As I recall our ethical code is that "we do not lie, cheat or steal - nor tolerate anyone that does!"

Then, you go on to state "I can also say with total confidence based on first hand experience and knowledge that your claims of absolutely no connection between Hussein and Al Queda are wrong too."

Really? Well where is your factual proof of ANY connection between Hussein and Al Queda - you offer no proof? If you know something that the American Military Intelligence Community doesn't know - you have a duty to report it promptly soldier! Because we have zero proof of any connecion between Al Queda and Hussein. I'm betting you're just another right wing radio listener that has been confused by the trash and hate talkers on AM radio!

Prior to the invasion of Iraq there were no organized terrorists of any kind in Iraq - because, Hussein had done a good job of hunting them down and killing them!

Al Queda entered Iraq AFTER America invaded Iraq - you need to get your facts straight soldier!

Had we not invaded Iraq, and kept our eyes on the mission in Afghanistan, these same terrorists would have had to come to Afghanistan to engage American troops - and we would have been killing them in Afghanistan!

Now, those of us that know what the hell we're talking about, are going to get our guys out of Iraq and back to Afghanistan where the 911 terrorists are hiding - and we're going to get Bin Laden - then, get our troops home ASAP!

Why? Because we love America and we love our troops - and we, now, know the facts and truth - and we just want to do the right thing!

Anonymous said...

Those of us that are professional soldiers recognize that our common troops, many of them young and not politically astute, have been duped also in believing in a mission that has proved to be unnecessary - that's sad!

The truth of the matter is we should have finished the mission in Afghanistan and go after Al Quead cells specifically, in many parts of the world, as they were formed - as we have quitely done in the Phillipines and elsewhere!

This is a new type of warfare - Unconventional Warfare, so trying to compare it to Vietnam, Korea or WWII is a waste of time - and, with all due respect to the older vets those comparisons and analogies do NOT apply!

Did you know our Special Operations Command was successul in providing the intelligence and "special" support services the Phillipine military needed in wiping out Al Queada in the islands? YES WE DID!

And the American Military is doing similar missions in other parts of the world, like the Horn of Africa, and elsewhere - with great success!

The ill-advised invasion of Iraq has proved to be unnecessary and will go down in history as the biggest blunder ever in the history of Unjust Wars - we all need to blame Bush and get our heads around that ugly fact!

Our military has performed every mission in Iraq with honor - we got Hussein and his thugs and accomplished the mission honorably!

Now, we need to get those soldiers re-deployed to finish the mission in Afghanistan and let the Iraqi's determine their own destiny - it's not our business anymore! We do not have the legal right to be an Army of occupation or to try and force our form of government on any other nation!

The terrorists in Iraq will follow us to Afghanistan - and we can kill them in the open instead of in highly populated urban cities where innocent civilians get hurt unnecessarily!

We screwed up by invading Iraq on false assumptions, false pretenses and out and out lies - so, let's take the requisite corrective action and stop making things worse by refusing to recognize the initial mistake in the first place!

Our military is NOT to blame for this Unjust War in Iraq - the guilty parties are Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield, Rice and the Republicans that lied to the Democrats and the American People!