Friday, August 24, 2007

Things look even grimmer from the political side of the Iraq War

Democrats have listed several reasons why we need to get out of Iraq: needless American casualties, excessive war spending, our fueling of al-Qaeda, our letting al-Qaeda regenerate in Afghanistan, needing to get Osama bin-Laden, and of course the lack of any political progress.

Well as if things were not already looking grim for all of the above issues, it seems that the political progress has yet another reason to be seriously questioned. The Iraqi Prime-Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, basically said the following when visiting with Syria, who is not one of the U.S.'s close allies to say the least:

“If the Americans are getting impatient with us, then we’ll find other friends, we don’t have to abide by any timetables.”

Wow, American's are risking their lives when the leader of Iraq himself basically doesn't care if we stay or go. If the Iraqis don't care, why the hell should we care about their civil war. Lets fight al-Qaeda and thats it. Enough trying to help Iraqi factions make peace. Lets watch out for U.S. interests and let the Iraqis find "other friends" who will help them.

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