Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The absolute saddest statement I have ever heard

The questioning of Gen. David Petraeus continued today, and perhaps the most telling question was asked when Republican Senator John Warner asked Petraeus, "Does the Iraq War make America safer?" In what I can only describe as a statement that deeply upset me, Petraeus responded by saying, "I don't know".

When the man in charge of the military in Iraq says that he isn't sure that the sacrifice of our men and women is worth it for America, it is a problem. This statement is the turning point for the Iraq War debate. No longer is it just us Democrats saying this war is not helping America, it is also Gen. Petraeus, who was put in charge by George Bush. How the hell can we ask young men and women to put their lives on the line if there is no benefit for this country? It's sickening that the General is saying this. Can you imagine how the troops in WWII would have felt if Gen. Eisenhower, on D-Day, told them that he didn't know if their sacrifice was going to benefit America. Its absolutely absurd, it's proof this war must end and end soon.

I beg anybody, regardless of political party, to tell me its okay to send troops to war if that war isn't going to make America safer. There is a right and wrong, and the distinction has finally been made, not by a "crazy liberal", but by Commander of military forces in Iraq, that this war is wrong!


Anonymous said...

The war in Iraq never was about terrorism. We have pretty much ignored Osama bin Laden for the past six years, while Bush and Co. has used American resources and manpower to try and gain control of the vast Iraqi oil supply. Unfortunately for Bush and the minions who support him, a large majority of the American public now knows that this was was nothing but a farce. Unfortunately for the new Democratic Congress, they don't have the balls to impeach Bush and Cheney or even to stand up to them and force an end to this war. For that, they may suffer in next year's elections, as that was what they were elected to do.

Anonymous said...

Johnny, the Democrats do not have the votes to end the war. They continue to be in the fore front to do so unlike the Republicans who have rubber stamped every thing Bush has done in Iraq. The Democrats will prevail and that will be the important thing. You should be talking to the Republicans and tell them to get abord.

Anonymous said...

The Democrats DO have the votes to end this war. Without funding, there is no war. Holding the majority in both houses of Congress, the president cannot get war funding without some Democrats voting to continue funding it. Plain and simple, the American people were lead to believe that the Democrats would end the war if given the majority and they didn't deliver. The Republicans are able to vote "in bloc" and it's up to the Democratic leadership to do the same. They should not have backed down and should have continued sending war funding to the president's desk with troop withdrawal dates. If war funding were to end, it would be on the president's hands then, as the Democrats could claim to have sent him budget after budget with war funding. After all, it's the responsibility of Congress to approve all wars and this congress didn't approve of the war until they sent Bush war funding without a withdrawal date. After that, they were no different than the last congress.

Joseph Patrick said...

The problem is that Democrats don't have the votes to SAFELY end this war. I think we can all agree that we do need to get out of Iraq ASAP, but also do it with caution for the safety of our troops. Completely stopping the funding would keep the troops from getting equipment that could save their lives. Like it or not some troops will be there for at least a year after withdrawal begins. We can't let those left behind suffer casualties because of us not funding the war. What we do need to do is try to convince Republicans to vote on a withdrawal plan. Then we can safely bring this war to an end. And if Republicans won't vote for what the American people want, then its up to the American people to elect a democrat who will safely end this war.

Anonymous said...

I'm a lifelong Democrat and I am very disappointed in my party's efforts in Congress. They capitulated to the president's demands WAY too soon. There was months left before funding would have run out for this war when the Democrats sent out the white flag to Bush. By continuing to demand an end to the war through the war funding bill, they were forcing America's attention on WHO was wanting to keep our troops in Iraq. When they surrendered to Bush, their approval rating dove even lower than Bush's and I'm not sure they can count on the people who put them in office to put them back in 2008. JMHO!