Saturday, September 8, 2007

Fred Thompson's latest statements

As Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson hit the campaign trail in Iowa on Thursday and Friday, he had some very interesting comments that I strongly disagree with:

On the threat of Osama bin-Laden:
"Bin Laden being in the mountains of Pakistan or Afghanistan is not as he is more symbolism than anything else...If he disappeared tomorrow we still have this problem. If Iraq disappeared tomorrow, we'd still have this problem. "

On the U.S. turning its attention from finding bin-Laden to Iraq:
"Saddam Hussein was on the cusp of having defeated the United Nations and the free world and the United States. He had certainly had weapons of mass destruction."

Both of these statements are absurd. Bin Laden is much more than symbolism. He is the mastermind of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. He is the leader of al-Qaeda. Surely killing bin Laden would not end terrorism over night, but it would be a huge step. Millions of people who wish death to every American would have lost their leader. The spirit of the terrorist movement would be crushed and recruiting for al-Qaeda missions would be much harder, as many joined al-Qaeda just because of their wish to follow bin Laden. Fred makes it sound as if it does not matter whether we catch bin Laden or not. But it does matter. Its imperative that we fight al-Qaeda and we stop them from attacking the U.S. again.

And for Fred to say that Saddam Hussein was on the verge of having defeated the free world is ridiculous. The U.S. proved that we could topple Saddam's regime in a matter of weeks. Iraq was absolutely no threat to the U.S. Fred claims that Iraq did have WMDs, but that has been proven a million times to be a lie. Iraq had zero WMDs. By saying that they did is nothing more than furthering the lie put forth by the Bush administration for the start of this war. Politicians need to stop lying to the American people. The truth needs to be told: Iraq had no WMDs, they were in no way involved with 9/11, al-Qaeda was not there before the U.S. invaded, Iraq was no threat to the U.S., and most importantly, the Iraq war was completely unnecessary and it does not benefit the U.S. to be in the middle of Iraq's own civil war.

Fred Thompson is going to lose support fast if he can't get his facts straight. I am sick of some GOP members lying to the American people simply to get elected. Lies got us into the mess in Iraq and lies are the reason we have not yet found bin Laden. The truth is what Americans' want and need. The truth is what will prevail in '08 and the truth is what will keep America safe.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Actually, Iraq and Saddam Hussein DID have WMDs at one time. Ronald Reagan and George Bush supplied them to him when Iraq was at war with Iran. The enemy of our enemy is our friend theory. However, after the first Gulf War, the UN made Saddam Hussein destroy his WMDs and there was no evidence of him still having any when we accused him of it in 2001.