Thursday, September 13, 2007

I pray the American people aren't fooled

Well President Bush has set himself to be the hero tonight we he will announce "his plan" to withdraw 30,000 troops from Iraq next year. I hope the American people don't fall for this. Those 30,000 troops were scheduled to come home anyway. We were told that months ago by the Pentagon, but the President is going to make it appear that he is the one withdrawing troops.

It is no doubt a publicity stunt in order to raise support for this war and keep Senate Republicans on his side. It's just sad that this war is becoming all about politics. It shouldn't be about the President trying to save face or look strong. It's about the safety of our troops and the safety of the United States of America. 160,000 troops are now needlessly in harm's way and not even Gen. Petraeus can say the Iraq War benefits the U.S. You want to know why?---because it doesn't! By not taking the fight to al-Qaeda and bin Laden, America is less safe because of this war.

30,000 troops is not enough to withdraw. All that does is put us back to pre-surge troop levels. We need a much greater number of troops out of Iraq, with a small force taking the fight to al-Qaeda. What the president is trying to do is like a thief taking $100 from you, and then a few months later giving it back. It means nothing. The troops were coming home anyway and now the President is trying to get political gain out of it. Again I say, I hope the American people see right through this and continue to support what is right for this country----ending the Iraq War.

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