Wednesday, September 19, 2007

IRAN: The Drum Beat for War (a special editorial by John Lucia)

Over four and a half years ago, President Bush and V.P. Cheney started the drum beat to our run up to war in Iraq over WMD that did not exist. The media, especially television journalists who were intimidated, promoted the war on their own and our men and women in uniform are still paying the price for those mistakes.

Now the drums are beating to go to war with Iran for the same reason. All the major cable networks are talking about it; Fox network runs headlines every day about going to war with Iran; Glen Beck, the nobody, promotes it on his show. And now someone has leaked to the media that the U.S. has already drawn up the plans to strike Iran.

Our war and occupation of Iraq over WMD that did not exist has already destabilized Iraq and the middle east and now the nuts are promoting another war in the middle east with Iran. Israel, Pakistan and India don't answer to anyone concerning their nuclear program and their WMD while Iran answers to the United Nations inspectors. It is obvious intelligent people know more about what is going on in Iran than the other 3 closed countries.

President Eisenhower warned about the dangers of a military-industrial complex that benefits from wars at the expense of the people. The reckless war in Iraq has given us $80 barrel oil. We know who benefits from that. In a recent book, retired Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said that is what the Iraq war was about, oil. He knew that from day one but is only saying something now after over 30,000 american casualties. He also made the self serving statement that Iraq was a threat to the world oil supply. The war itself proved that wrong.

We have leaders in the world who would recklessly lead us into another war, this time, with Iran, under false pretenses. Some of them won't be satisfied until they start a nuclear war where the survivors will envy the dead.

We all know who fight these wars. It's not elected officials who start them and then move into their bunkers to hide. Today, leaders lack the character and moral courage of our past leaders in handling problems. The only answer now is war. A truly strong leader would try to prevent war.

The Soviet Union with all its military power and WMD were held in check for over 40 years. Now our present leaders try to talk tough and act like kings where they think every one else is their pawns. Iran has not invaded or attacked any country in my lifetime or started a war. The idea that they would attack Israel is foolish. If they did that they know Israel has the capacity to wipe them off the map. Iran may have said Israel should be wiped out but they did not say they would be the ones to do it. They know better.

For those who say preemptive war is good policy remember, two can play that game. If nations are planning to attack Iran, then Iran could obviously say we will use a preemptive strike against those planning to attack them. A foreign policy based on preemption is a policy of failure and folly. Just look at Iraq.

I wonder what the nuts who are promoting a war with Iran would say if Russia stepped in and said we will not sit by if Iran is attacked?

Are there any real world leaders out there with character on the good guys side who is willing to stand up and say enough is enough?


Anonymous said...

Even though many of the cable networks and many members of congress are pushing for an attack on Iran, I see it as nothing more than a political ploy by the Republicans to try and once again scare the American voters into voting Republican. For the republican philosophy to be successful on election day, they need to scare enough Democratic voters to switch their votes. The reasons that I don't see an attack on Iran happening is for these reasons.

1)The majority of Americans won't be fooled on the WMD storyline a second time.
2)We're already waging war in two countries that aren't located adjacent to one another.
3)We don't have adequate manpower to effectively fight the two wars we're already waging.
4)Bush has already stated that we'll be in Iraq for at least another decade.
5)Without adequate manpower to wage another war, the only solution would be a military draft; a solution that would have to be sold to the American public who would already be asked to support yet another war in the mid east on very shaky allegations.

I don't see a war with Iran happening.

Anonymous said...

The leaders of Israel would like to see the United States stoop down to their low level. They would love the U.S. to go to war with Iran. The U.S. needs a President with character and courage to stand up to the leaders of Israel and stop selling them weapons. The U.S. should also expose their WMD program and tell them to join the non prolifacation treaty and open up their WMD operation to U.N. inspectors like other Nuclear Powers. Ditto Pakistan and India.