Sunday, September 30, 2007

Lighting the Match to War in the Middle East (a special editorial by John Lucia)

President Bust speaks often about the proliferation of weapons in the world and condemns other nations who engage in such acts. We now know his talk does not match his actions. On September 11, before the Senate Armed Service Committee, General Petraeus announced the United States could sell up to over $3 billion of arms to Iraq, the country once described as an ammo dump. This sale announcement comes only after a few weeks when the President said the U.S. will be selling billions of dollars in arms to Israel and Saudi Arabia. The Middle East is already a powder keg, now Mr. Bush wants to light the match. Is it any wonder the U.S. has lost its creditability under this President?

Bush ordered the invasion and occupation of Iraq over WMD that did not exist. Now he wants to make up for that and arm them. Lets not forget, it was the U.S. under previous republican administration who sold arms to Iraq and gave them intelligence during their war with Iran. A war that was started by Iraq. It was a time when Iraq used chemical weapons on Iran and our government knew about it. So is it really surprising Iran and other countries look to the Soviet Union and others to build up their own arsenals?

The reckless actions of Mr. Bush to arm the Middle East has to be reversed by congress. We have a president gone mad. Congress can't let him destroy what America stands for. Mr. Bush has already tried to play God in Iraq and failed. Unfortunately innocent Iraqis and our men and women in uniform have paid the ultimate price for his mistake. Now he is trying to play God again. Every member of congress has to step up and say no loud and clear.

1 comment :

Joseph Patrick said...

Not only does the Congress need to step up and say no to the President's (and quite frankly, the neo-cons') Middle East policy, but the American people also need to make their feelings loud and clear. The best way to do that is to elect a democrat in '08 who will restore America to the greatness it held prior to January 2001.