Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Quick Debate Analysis

I will be back tomorrow with a full analysis, but right now, just 5 minutes after the debate, let me give you my initial reaction.

Hillary Clinton: Came of charming and presidential. She didn't lose and she wasn't upstaged, that makes her the winner.

Barack Obama: His worse performance yet. He was sloppy and unusually un-charismatic.

John Edwards: the runner-up tonight. He was forceful and set himself up as the alternative to Clinton.

Joe Biden, Chris Dodd: not bad, not great, just okay.

Bill Richardson: again, this guy can not debate. He only talks about his past accomplishments instead of what he will do in the future.

Dennis Kucinich: He's getting better at debates, but it wasn't anything that can help his terribly low poll numbers.

Mike Gravel: As strange as this guy must be, I actually thought he did a good job getting his point across tonight, regardless of how weird his points are.

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