Friday, September 28, 2007

What Part of Our Past Will the Future Reflect? (a special editorial by John Lucia)

Recorded History tells us our future is shaped by our past. In 14 months the people will elect a new President to lead us into that future. Do we want to maintain the arrogant status quo of the Bush administration and his reckless decisions and policies or will we the people cast our votes for a candidate who understands the challenges ahead and the mistakes of the past 8 years.

President Bush paid no attention to the success of our past leaders who guided our country with wisdom, character and moral authority. Instead, he misled the people over and over concerning the war in Iraq, the war on terror and our national security.

Do we want our next President to try to talk tough and keep our country in a perpetual war with the world or will we elect a President who will change course, change policies, work with our allies, and offer hope to our country and the world. The next President will have to balance our military commitments with our many domestic commitments. He will have to balance the federal budget and reverse the 8 years of record federal budget deficits that Bush will have accumulated when he leaves office.

Our new leader will have to be about our future and making progress that really advances our country and its people. He will have to restore value in our foreign policies and return confidence in our governments business and restore the checks and balances that our founders fought for.

The voting public has a responsibility to cast their votes for the candidate whose policy will advance the lives of our children and grandchildren and adhere to those principals that made our country great. The voter will have to look beyond the show business of journalism, especially television journalists who do their best to influence the vote. Some of them flat-out lie.

Every voter can make up his or her own mind by giving each candidate a good honest look. Let the candidates positions determine our vote. Voters are mature enough to sift through all the charges and counter charges that will be presented; they don't need the media telling them who to vote for.

The 2008 election is about our future. Let the past define what the U.S. is about and guide our vote and future. Our generations who vote in 2008 will take charge of our future. Will it be a vote to learn from our past mistakes and return our country to the progressive ideals that our founding fathers revealed in our constitution? Like the past the future is in our hands, lets take advantage of it in November 2008.

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