Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Clinton: "Absolutely" Would Give Up Some Power

Many Democrats have greatly criticized the power grab made by the Bush Administration. The Bush administration has given itself power that is arguably unconstitutional and the conservative Supreme Court and the GOP Congress of the last 7 years have done nothing about it. The next President, Republican or Democrat, will have to, in my book, relinquish some of the power that the Bush administration claims belongs to the office of the President. The Constitution and the law must be reinstated. The fear I have, is that if someone like Rudy gets elected, the powers of the President will grow even more than the Bush administration. This neocon philosophy is one that is dangerous to America and its people and the Constitution. That is why I was very pleased when Sen. Clinton strongly addressed this issue on Tuesday:

“There were a lot of actions which they (Bush-Cheney) took that were clearly beyond any power the Congress would have granted, or that in my view that was inherent in the Constitution."

Asked whether she would “actually give up some of this power in the name of constitutional principle,” Sen. Clinton answered, “Absolutely.”

Kudos to Sen. Clinton for leading on yet another issue. For those who still question why she is so far ahead in the polls, it is because of things like this. No matter how much Obama and Edwards say "change", they have yet to step up as Clinton has and answer questions directly and clearly. It's not enough to say that the Bush administration has done wrong. Obama and Edwards need to be clear of what Bush and Cheney have done wrong and they have to address all of those issues. And even more important, they need to say what they'll do when they get in office, to fix it. While Obama is supporting a known homosexual basher, Clinton is leading on the issues that matter to all Americans. That is why she is leading in the polls and that is why she is likely to be the next President.


Anonymous said...

With Obama's inclusion of the self-hating, homosexual gay basher on his South Carolina tour, he can be assured that he won't get any of the gay vote in next year's general election, even if he should miraculously win the nomination. I think he seriously hurt his chances of being included on a Clinton ticket as VP, as his actions in South carolina would make him a liability on the Democratic ticket. It's a shame he felt the need to do the same pandering routine in South Carolina that Bush did in 2000. If he wants to be the self-righteous pick of the evangelical hate mongers, he picked the wrong party.

Anonymous said...

BTW.... If being gay is merely a choice, as Donnie McClurkin states, why does he still struggle with his sexuality? He should just merely "choose" to be straight and stop trying to be a conservative martyr. I got news Donnie. You'll struggle with your sexuality for the rest of your life until you can ignore what everyone else tells you about who you SHOULD be and start being the man that God made you.

Joseph Patrick said...

^I am not gay, so maybe I don't have authority to speak on the subject, but I do have gay friends and I see their persecution. I can attest, that my friends didn't choose to be gay. Thats just who they are. There is noting I hate more than people, whether their a right-wing crazy or a sympathizer like Obama, who can't accept a person for who they are. The message people like Donnie and Obama send when they act like they do, is that people can't be who they are. No one should have to pretend to be something they're not and quite frankly, I didn't expect this out of Obama. I'm disappointed to say the least.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. I can assure of this much. If Obama doesn't drop him from his tour, I will drop him permanently as a viable candidate. Anyone, regardless of party affiliation, who is willing to send even the slightest signal of exclusion to the hardcore conservative base is also sending the signal to me that who I am and my rights as a citizen is less important than garnering a few votes from the people who hate me and want to deny me my rights as a citizen.

Anonymous said...

The reason why Obama is on the attack is because he is behind and really not making any progress on moving up in the polls. He is copying the republican actions of personal attacks. It will fail against Senator Clinton because she does not attack anyone personally. By the way, anyone who followed Bill Clinton's campaign when he ran for president will remember he never personally attacked his republican opponent even though the personally attacked him.