Sunday, October 21, 2007

What I Want to See at Tonight's GOP Debate

Tonight, live from Miami, Fox News will host another Presidential debate for the Republican candidates. I am looking forward to seeing if Fred Thompson can fix some of the damage done by his last debate performance. This could be make or break for Thompson and his campaign. He has got to show some enthusiasm and knowledge about running for President and he has got to energize the live audience and the viewers watching at home.

Also look for the feud between Romney and Rudy to continue from the last debate. Romney needs to set himself up as the conservative alternative to Giuliani, while Giuliani needs to gain strength in the early primary states where Romney is far ahead.

What I'm hoping most for is good moderating. I want the moderators to point out that there are real conservatives, like McCain and Huckabee, in the race. I have a feeling that a lot of the time being spent tonight will be on who the "true" Republican is in the field. The moderators can not just sit back, as they did in the past, and let lies spew forth from some of the candidates and not call them out on it. It is the duty of the moderator to point out facts and to speak out when one of the candidates claims something absurd.

The other portion of the debate, one would have to assume, will be devoted to foreign policy. It's highly unlikely, (seeing Fox's apparent love for Rudy Giuliani) but I would like to see Rudy questioned on what exactly he has done to give him experience on foreign issues. I don't see how Rudy can claim to have so much foreign policy experience when he was just a mayor. John McCain has a ton more foreign policy credentials than Rudy does, and that needs to be pointed out.

What also needs to be pointed out by the moderators, is the fact that while Rudy says he is the only GOP candidate who can beat Hillary, the polls show different. In head-to-head match-ups, John McCain either does just as well as Rudy or occasionally better. With Rudy as the frontrunner, he must be questioned more on his statements, as some of his are either ludicrous or just plain false. Fox News has no problem nitpicking every little thing Hillary says; they claim that she should be scrutinized because she is the frontrunner and people need to know her positions. Well, I only ask Fox to do the same for Rudy, and quite frankly, the other Republican candidates as well.

And lastly, I just hope the moderators and the other candidates show Ron Paul some respect. I was so disgusted at the last debate to see the obvious bias of the moderators against Ron. The others candidates were extremely disrespectful as well; Rudy could be heard laughing whenever Ron answered a question. Ron Paul is possibly the only Republican with real solutions, and the media and the other candidates would do themselves, and the American people, much good to pay some attention to him and his policies.

I hope everyone has a chance to watch the debate tonight and I look forward to reading some of your thoughts in the comments below. I'll be back later on tonight with a recap and review of the debate and who I believe were the winners and losers.


magoo said...

Who cares what these repugnant idiots have to say. Not one of them has a clue except Ron Paul and if you look too closely at him you will see another Grover Norquist. Besides trhe Boston Red Sox are playing tonight.

Anonymous said...

Any time Fox News is involved in moderating debates, especially republican debates you can be sure they are going to play the conservative card in order to get the base involved. Chris Wallace is the worst moderator at asking questions that inform the people and help them make decisions. Ron Paul gets no respect from the other candidates or the moderator because he is the true conservative candidate but his views are opposite of his opponets, especially when it comes to war and being fiscal responsible. There fore they try to shun his views and response. Sad to say the people are the ones who will get short changed tonight.

Anonymous said...

Good commentary. We probably will not learn much from the debate tonight. When you stop and think about it, outside Huckabee and Paul what other candidates actually answer the questions?

Unknown said...

I thought they came across like idiots- not in the real world. Guliani actually thanked Fla. for giving us bush over Gore. All they and the media do now is attack Hillary. They are now calling her a socialist/communist/anti-christ.They are wrong on EVERY issue, and so resort to ad hominem attacks.

Anonymous said...

" kenosharick said...

I thought they came across like idiots- not in the real world. Guliani actually thanked Fla. for giving us bush over Gore."

He should have thanked the Republican-appointed Supreme Court who took away Florida's states rights to give the election to their favorite son.

Joseph Patrick said...

^Gore should be the president today. The Supreme Court failed this country in 2000 and it gave this country its worst president in history. We need to elect a democrat to get some moderation and balance back into the Supreme Court.