Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Is It Impeachment Time?

Today, as many of you probably know, Rep. Dennis Kucinich sponsored a resolution to impeach Vice President Dick Cheney. In short, the measure failed.

But the question is: Is it impeachment time? In my opinion, no. Now I must be honest, when I first heard about this resolution, I had a big smile on my face. There is probably nothing I would love more than Bush and Cheney being removed from office. I have no doubt that the administration lied in the lead-up to war with Iraq and I also am convinced of criminality within this administration. But at the same time, I don't feel that impeachment is needed at this time.

The fact of the matter is that impeachment proceedings would probably last over a year. By that time, Cheney and Bush would already be out of office. Secondly, I think Congress needs to focus on important matters. I would have supported impeachment if we were having this debate a few years ago, but it's to close to the 2008 election. I don't want the American public to lose focus on the 2008 Election or the important issues that will be determined by it. But thanks for standing up anyway Dennis, and I say that sincerely.


Anonymous said...

I agree, to a certain extent. If ANY elected official is guilty of criminal activity involving his office, he should be investigated and impeached if any wrong-doings are found. It shouldn't matter if it is the first year of the official's term in office or the last. He/She shouldn't get a free ride just because of time constraints. Even if there wasn't time for impeachment, an investigation would cripple this administration and give evidence to the American people of his lack of respect for the rule of law.
With that said, I think this Democratic Congress showed a total lack of intestinal fortitude for not making it their priority when first taking office. Unfortunately, you're probably right in your assertion that the time to do it has passed. BTW, Dennis Kucinich has tried to pass this same resolution for many sessions of congress, Republican-controlled and Democratic-controlled alike.

Anonymous said...

I too think the time has passed for impeachment. I have a feeling before Bush and Cheney leave office some one in the administration or close to the administration will leak damaging information about some of the criminal activity both have been involved in.