Sunday, November 25, 2007

Why I Support Hillary Clinton For President

I had planned to write a long post on why exactly I believe Sen. Hillary Clinton is the best choice for President, but then I came across this video and it says everything I wanted to say and says it way more articulately than I ever could.


Paul for President 2008 said...

Hillary? Seriously? If you really think that she has anyone's interest at heart other than her OWN you're probably not paying too close attention...with all due respect to you of course. She AND Giuliani are both two sides of the same coin. WAKE UP People!

Anonymous said...

Great blog!! and I agree with you about Hillary..she's amazing.

Anonymous said...

Hillary Clinton is pushing for free trade with Peru, even though NAFTA has been nothing short of a disaster. That shows me her allegiances are with corporate America over the workers of America. She has already voted to a precursor to war with Iran, when she voted to name the Iranian fighters in Iraq as terrorists. Isn't that how the war in Iraq started?

Anonymous said...

The war in Iraq started when Bush first took office. He and his neocon friends planned that all by themselves. The resolution never told the President to go to war. That is a cop out.