Monday, December 17, 2007

Enough Is Enough----Stop The Spin!!!

As I was watching my usual afternoon/evening lineup on MSNBC, I was outraged at the coverage that both Chris Matthews and Tucker Carlson gave to the following Bob Kerrey statement:

"It's probably not something that appeals to him, but I like the fact that his name is Barack Hussein Obama, and that his father was a Muslim and that his paternal grandmother is a Muslim. There's a billion people on the planet that are Muslims, and I think that experience is a big deal." 

Chris Matthews and Tucker attempted to spin this into somethings it's completely not.  Bob Kerrey was COMPLIMENTING Barack Obama, saying that his background was a plus.  Somehow, the MSM, and even some Obama-bloggers, took this to mean that Kerrey, taking direction from the Clinton campaign, was attacking Obama because of his background.  How they got an attack out of the above statement is beyond me.  If anything, Kerrey was saying that Obama has experience, something that one would think Obama supporters and the Obama-loving-media would be pleased with.

But no, of course not.  It seems that everything and everyone connected with Hillary Clinton can't just make a comment without being pounced on.  Even the nicest, most positive statements somehow become twisted into racism or discrimination or just plain meanness.  Seriously, enough is enough.  You don't have to support or even like Clinton, but to go after Kerrey for this is absurd.  Kerrey was giving his sincere opinion on Barack Obama, one that happened to be positive.

To twist the facts just to make Sen. Clinton look bad is ridiculous.  This has gone too far.  Not only does it falsely represent the Clinton campaign and their thoughts on Sen. Obama, it distorts Sen. Kerrey's opinions, who has proven to be one of the most honest, straight-shooters around.   This was not a negative attack meant to, in any way, criticize Barack Obama for where he grew up and what religion his relatives practiced.  Let the facts be the facts and then give analysis and opinion on those facts, but don't make something into something that it's not just for "good television" or "good reading".  Thats my message and plea to the MSM and bloggers who took this WAY out of context and made it into a story that it's simply not.


Anonymous said...

When T.V. commentators decide to go after someone they don't care about reporting the facts. They are now after Senator Clinton in a big way. Many commentators just have no character. These are the same ones who just went with the flow on the Iraq war and promoted Iraq having WMD on their own. I have listened to Senator Clinton closely lately because of the people piling on her and I believe she is handling the spin like a Pro. She is sticking to the issues and talking about what she would do if elected President. I like that.

Anonymous said...

The media picks and chooses their candidates and leads the American voters by their coverage. Only the candidates that the media perceives as top candidates receive coverage. In the last Democratic debate in Iowa, CNN and the Des Moines Register refused to invite Dennis Kucinich to the debates, even though he was ahead of two other candidates in the polls who WERE invited, Joe Biden and Chris Dodd. Isn't it amazing that the purported "liberal media", CNN, refused to invite the only true liberal candidate to the debate?