Friday, December 21, 2007

Future Iraq Funding

If President Bush asks Congress for more money for Iraq next year, other than what has already been approved, here is how the Democrats need to handle any such request.
Since Bush has always requested money for Iraq outside of the budget process without any plans to pay for the war except to continue his deficit spending, the Democrats should handle it as a separate item and not mix it with any other legislation.  Bring it to a vote and let the Congress vote.  The Republicans can't muster the 60 votes needed in the Senate so the legislation would fail.  Bush will then go into his self serving statement about Democrats not supporting the troops.
The Democrats need not be afraid of that any more and should repeat over and over it is Bush who does not support our troops; he sent them off to fight a war and occupation in Iraq over WMD that did not exist.  The reason Bush's approval rating is between 29-30% is because the people understand the way Bush has lied to the country and that it is his own actions that does not support our troops and in fact he is using our troops as pawns to play God in the Middle East. 
Keep in mind, if neither Republican or Democrats in the Senate can reach 60 votes, the measure is dead.  There is enough money in the pipe line to bring our troops home safe.  No more funding.


Anonymous said...

It won't happen. There aren't enough Democrats in congress with enough guts to stand up to Bush. Democrats regained control of congress on the promise that they would end the war. It ain't happened and it ain't gonna. You only have about 25-30 Democrats with enough spine to stand against the blank check war funding thus far and I really don't see it happening in an election year. I don't think Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid have what it takes to be party leader. I have yet to see Democrats in either the house or the senate stand together against Bush and that's probably a leadership issue. This weak kneed Democratic congress could be in deep trouble in 2008.

Joseph Patrick said...

Reid and Pelosi should not allow a bill or resolution to come to the floor of the Senate and House that continues this war. Vote everyday for ending the war and eventually the Republicans will cave. The Democrats have 70% of Americans behind them; they can end this war.

And I agree with Johnny that I do not like Reid. Someone like Dodd or Levin would make a much better Senate Majority leader. I do like Pelosi though, although someone like Jim Moran would be a fine Speaker as well.