Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Israel's Sad Excuse For Leadership

The Associated Press has reported that one of Prime Ministers Olmert's ministers warned that the U.S. NIE report on Iran could trigger a war.  It also reported that an Israeli intelligent delegation is in the U.S. to press Israel's case that Iran is still working on a nuclear bomb.
The leaders of Israel and those ministers who have clout will not be satisfied until the U.S. supports an attack on Iran.  They supported the war against Iraq even though Israel's own intelligence knew Iraq had no WMD.  Israel wants to be the only power in the Middle East who has nuclear weapons and other WMD.  

Israel's leaders want to be the only ones to have these weapons because they want to be able to continue the use of their military power with impunity.  If anyone is not sure what impunity really means check the dictionary and you will understand how unstable and reckless Israel's leaders are.
The American people can not trust Olmert and leaders of Israel.  They agreed long ago to a U.N. resolution not to occupy land belonging to Palestine and instead continue to build settlements on those lands and Bush has let it slip by.  Now they are in Washington trying to convince Bush that our NIE was wrong. 
Mr. Olmert also complained that Iran is building long range missiles that could reach Israel.  Of course it is okay that Israel has had missiles for many years that can reach Iran.  There is much talk about the bible and armageddon in the Middle East.  If there is a war of armageddon in the middle east, it will be the leaders of Israel who will start it.  Our President and future presidents should realize what Israel's leaders really are and how they try to use the U.S. as their patsy.

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