Friday, December 28, 2007

The Politics Of Change

Every election cycle for President brings out the word "change".  It becomes part of the campaign rhetoric heard from both the Democrats and Republicans who are running for their party's nomination.
But what kind of change do the people really want and what change will the next president really represent?  The current president promised change and look what our nation and people received.  We went from a fiscally responsible administration who balanced the budget, created surpluses and paid down the national debt, to record deficits and record increase in the national debt.  We invaded a country that never attacked us over WMD that did not exist.  We are told we have to live in fear because of terrorists threats.  Our government became more secretive and our personal lives have been intruded on by the so called Patriot Act and warrant-less wiretapping.
Government figures try to divide us on religious and patriotic grounds.  They try to divide us by leaking secret information to protect their own wrong doing.  The list goes on and on.  Is this the change Bush was talking about?
The American people need to think hard if they base their vote on change only.  All candidates have their good and bad positions and qualities, so the people need to think in terms of what candidate can best advance the quality of life for the people and who can bring accountability back in all walks of government.  We, the people, have to bring back America---Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

There's an old saying, "Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results." It's very hard to be the agent of change on one hand and talk of your superior experience on the other. Change is not brought about by having experience in the current system of government but in understanding what government our founders intended. I don't agree with John Edwards on every issue but I like his idea of taking the corporate influence out of Washington and giving the power back to the people, which was the original intent of our founders.