Sunday, January 20, 2008

Mike Huckabee: The Facts

The following post is from my friend Johnny, who often comments on my posts.  He sent this to me concerning Mike Huckabee:

Many people have become enamored with Mike Huckabee, the "evangelical" candidate for president. We all know that evangelicals are much more moral than the rest of us and thus would make better presidents. Here's a few things you might NOT know about Huckabee:
-FACT: Mike Huckabee is an ordained evangelical Baptist minister of the SBC (Southern Baptist Convention).(Source: Montanaro, Domenico; Lauren Appelbaum. "HUCK ON ''THEOLOGY'' DEGREE", MSNBC, 2007-12-14. Retrieved on 2007-12-16.)

-FACT: The SBC (Southern Baptist Convention) was formed because of its decision to separate from other Baptists in defense of the institution of slavery.(Source: McBeth, H. Leon. The Baptist Heritage: Four Centuries of Baptist Witness. Nashville: Broadman, 1987.)

-FACT: It wasn't until the Southern Baptist Convention of 1995 that it voted to adopt a resolution renouncing its racist roots and apologizing for its past defense of slavery.(Source: This Side of Heaven: Race, Ethnicity, and Christian Faith. Edited by Robert J. Priest and Alvaro L. Nieves. Oxford University Press, 2007, pp 275 and 339)
-FACT: The ethics commission fined Huckabee $1,000 for failing to report that he paid himself $14,000 from his 1992 U.S. Senate campaign and $43,000 from his 1994 lieutenant governor's campaign. (Source: POLITICO, Huckabee rivals unearth ethics complaints Kenneth P. Vogel Nov 21, 2007)

-FACT: Huckabee accepted more than 300 gifts worth at least $130,000, ranging from $3,700 cowboy boots to a $600 chainsaw. (Source: POLITICO, Huckabee rivals unearth ethics complaints Kenneth P. Vogel Nov 21, 2007)
-FACT: Mike Huckabee granted 1,033 pardons and commutations, including 12 convicted murderers, one of which "Wayne DuMond" shortly after his release moved to Missouri where he raped and murdered Carol Sue Shields. He was convicted and sentenced to life in prison in Clay County, Mo., in 2003. He died in prison in 2005. (Source: The Leader, Arkansas clemencies outpace other states, Garrick Feldman, 2004) Can anyone say Willie Horton?
-FACT: Mike Huckabee raised more taxes in 10 years in office than Bill Clinton did in his 12 years. (Source: The Leader, 08/30/2006)

-FACT: Mike Huckabee''s substantial tax hikes far surpassed his modest tax cuts, with the average tax burden increasing by a whopping 47% over his tenure. (Source: Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 10/09/07)

-FACT: Mike Huckabee opposed a congressional measure to ban internet taxes in 2003. (Source: Arkansas News Bureau, 11/21/03)

-FACT: Mike Huckabee, in 2004, allowed a 17% sales tax increase to become law. (Source: The Gurdon Times, 03/02/04)
-FACT: Mike Huckabee stole over $70,000 worth of furniture from the Arkansas governors mansion. (Source: Arkansas Times Counting the Furniture, 12/14/06 Leslie Newell Peacock)

-FACT: Mike Huckabee set up a nonprofit entity so he could give paid "inspirational'' speeches without having to disclose the donors. (SOURCE: Bloomberg Dec 12, 2007 Margaret Carlson)
-FACT: During the 2001 regular session of the Arkansas Legislature, Mike Huckabee supported giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens. (Source Arkansas Journal, Mike Huckabee Supported Bill to Give Driver''s Licenses to Illegal Aliens, Henry Rearden, 11/22/2007)

-FACT: Mike Huckabee supported in-state higher education benefits for children of illegal immigrants. (Laura Kellams, "Senators research U.S. law on aliens," Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 1/27/05)

-FACT: Mike Huckabee opposed a bill requiring proof of citizenship to vote in his own state. (Source CNS NEWS, Some GOP Concerned about Huckabee''s Immigration Views, Fred Lucas, 12/04/2007)

-FACT: Mike Huckabee says he has a degree in theology. Further investigation discovers he does not. (Source: The Carpetbagger Report, Mike Huckabee has a theology degree -- or does he?, 12/14/2007)

-FACT: Mike Huckabee wants "to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than try to change God's standards so it lines up with some contemporary view." (Source: msnbc, HUCK, THE CONSTITUTION AND ''GOD'S STANDARDS'', 01/16/08)

Look through his "Awe Schucks" act and see him for what he really is. Mike Huckabee is a typical Washington type politician.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the facts.

Winghunter said...

There are many, many more facts of the Huckster's record which proves him nothing more than a RINO con artist pulling every deception imaginable.

Don't be fooled;

Candidate Research - Know Who You're Voting For ( The Easy Way )

Anonymous said...

Outstanding post regarding Mike Huckabee.

You did miss a very important point regarding taxes.

You see Mike Huckabee raised taxes while the states ACR provided proof of tons of cash on hand. In effect Mike Huckabee used a duel accounting system. Though this corrupt system was also used by Rudy and Mitt it is dihonest to tell the people that the annual budget is short while at the same time another set of books may have hundreds of millions of even billions (in the case of Rudy) on hand. It may be one of the greatest frauds of our time.

In closing, Mike Huckabee also confirmed at Dearborn, MI during the GOP debate this past year that he provided a non answer regarding if he would follow the law of the land required by congress when waging war.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Huckabee is one of so many conservatives who pander to the religious right. What a shame