Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Well If It's The Economy(...Stupid!), Then Hillary Is Your Candidate

Time after time, when talking to friends, surfing the blogosphere, and analyzing the recent polls, there is one single issue that stands in the forefront of people's minds.  It's the economy.  Sure, ending the War in Iraq is a huge issue, as is universal healthcare and the environment, but the economy is paramount.  I've taken the time to review all the major Democratic candidates' proposals for the economy, and one sticks out.  It's Sen. Hillary Clinton's.  Why?  Because, unlike others, hers does not talk in broad based ideas and ideals when coming up with solutions.  It talks specifics. 

Sen. Clinton has also demonstrated her vast knowledge of America's current economic situation in the debates.  She is the only candidate, from either side of the isle, with perhaps the exception of Romney, who looks confident and knowledgeable on the facts.  (In my opinion, Romney is completely wrong when it comes to the economy, but he does at least look confident in talking about it...but thats another story.)  Earlier today, Clinton addressed the worsening global economy.  Here is what she had to say:

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