Sunday, March 23, 2008

John McCain: An Uninformed United States Senator

Senator John McCain, in his recent visits to Iraq and the Middle East in order to show that he is Presidential, continues to show how uninformed he really is.  Like Bush, he is in denial about why we went to war in Iraq and what is really taking place there.  He speaks of victory, but still can not define it for our men and women in uniform or the American people who have sacrificed so much.  He says the surge is working, but it has yet to accomplish the mission of the surge over a year later. 
Now McCain has said several times that Iran is training Al Qaeda and sending them back across the border into Iraq.  He, with the help of Joe Lieberman, had to correct his statement as being factually wrong.  Is it beyond any Republican to tell the truth concerning this war in Iraq?  And McCain wants to be the next Commander in Chief? The so called straight talker can not be trusted any more that George Bush.  He has the same problem when he talks about Iran, Syria, and other countries sending troops into Iraq.  Those countries, and even our allies, laugh at that statement because the United States sent 180,000 troops into Iraq and have been occupying Iraq for 5 years now.  Bush has put our country in the position of not being able to speak from the position of moral authority when he talks about the actions of others.  And of course McCain follows that line.
George Bush, the Republicans in Congress who have rubber stamped his reckless action, and Sen. McCain believe in a democracy that is foreign to our founding fathers' actions and commitments.  Democracy to Bush is a one way street of his neoconservative ideology.  He is right and every one else is wrong.  Sadly, Senator McCain's neocon ideology follows that same path.  That does not bode well for the country's future should he become President.  America can't handle four more years of Bush.  

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