Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Obama's Big Speech: My Take

Sen. Barack Obama, without a doubt, gave a great speech today.  The substance can be debated, but the delivery and tone were spot on and brilliant.  The overall message was correct and is one which I agree with. Racism (along with sexism and homophobia) is an underlying current in American society today and that needs to change.  Prejudices, from both sides of the isle, white and black, need to end.  We need to judge people for who they are, looking not at the color of their skin but at the character demonstrated in their actions.  

With that being said, however, some parts of the speech I still have some problems with.  For starters, Barack Obama refused to distance himself from Rev. Jeremiah Wright again today.  He, once again, compared him to a family member.  Again I'l say it: you don't choose your family, you're more or less stuck with them, but you do choose your pastor.  You do choose what church you attend.  Obama chose Wright and stuck by him for 20 plus years.  

Why is that a problem?  Jeremiah Wright is a man who preaches hate and bigotry.  He claims that the U.S. government introduced AIDS to kill off African Americans.  He claims that the U.S. deserved the tragedy that was 9/11.  He claims that god should damn, not bless, this great country.  

Obama can say he wasn't there to hear Rev. Wright make those remarks live.  He can say that he rejects them now that it is the politically necessary thing to do.  But even today, while giving that great speech, Obama didn't explain why he stuck by Wright for 20 years.  Surely he had heard of those remarks.  Surely Obama has been present for some of Wright's many outlandish and incendiary statements.  Why didn't he reject the comments then?  Why didn't he stop attending the church then?  Why wait until now, when the press brings up the story?   It's a little known fact, but Oprah Winfrey used to attend Trinity United Church.  She stopped attending, however, many years ago when apparently Wright began preaching his vulgar, hate-filled sermons.  If Oprah could recognize when something just wasn't okay, she got up and left and never came back. Why didn't Obama do the same?  I'm going to stay on top of Obama until he answers that question because the American people deserve an answer.

Another thing Obama said that I have a problem with is his game of blame the media for taking Wright's remarks out of context.  Exactly how much context do you need when someone says "god damn America"?  Or AIDS being created by our government to kill African Americans?  For Obama to blame the media is simply outrageous.  He has gotten the smoothest ride by the media of anyone who every ran for President.  Trust me, I know the media can be unfair at times.  This just wasn't one of those times and Obama is wrong for trying to make it one.  

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

After seeing various parts of Obama's speech I was not impressed and I don't think this thing will end there. There is really no break with the preacher. One of the sad parts of politics is reporters who are still trying to inject Clinton into making racist statements. Its sad when a free news media over steps its coverage of events.