Sunday, April 13, 2008

Fiscal Responsibility: A Necessity For A Sustained Economy

Balancing the federal budget, reducing spending, and paying down government debt has never been a priority or policy for Republican Presidents in the last 50 years.  That is the main reason the economy has never been on an even keel or sustained itself on the Republicans' watch.  Their ideology is to bankrupt the federal government so that social security, medicare, and other federal programs that work will have to be dismantled.  That is just one of the reasons that George W. Bush wanted to remake social security into private accounts. 
Contrary to what the American people have been led to believe, the federal government can afford needed programs if the budget is balanced and debt creation is eliminated.  Tax increases are not necessary to pay for needed programs when our house is fiscally sound.
Senator Clinton is the only presidential candidate, Democrat or Republican, who is campaigning on fiscal discipline and a balanced budget.  She recognizes that without both, the economy will never be sustained and action after the fact will have to be taken, such as what is happening now with the fiscal disaster that Bush has laid on our country and its people.  It only takes common sense to realize how well off our country would be today had Bush not recklessly spent the $5.6 trillion surplus and had he followed the path of balanced budgets and fiscal responsibility the previous administration left him.  But instead, he embarked upon a record deficit and debt spree never seen before in American history.
Senator Clinton understands the big picture of the benefits to the nation and its people and the rewards of being fiscally responsible.  The mess we are now in with the mortgage and financial industry would never have happened if Bush had the federal government's fiscal house in order.  During the campaign, the Republicans will once again try to accuse the Democrats of wanting to raise taxes.  The voters need to catch on to something: it has been the Republicans who are getting into their pockets in so many different ways.  $3.25 gallon gasoline is only one of the many examples.
Senator Clinton is in a position, with her experience, to bring back fiscal sanity and a balanced budget, to not only have a sustained and growing economy that creates new jobs, but to have the resources to do what is necessary to move our country forward and service the people's needs.  

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

CNN has been running a special every day concerning the economy and what is wrong. But they never mention Deficit spending and the un heard of debt Bush has created. They need to tune in to politidose. They could learn a thing or two.