Sunday, June 8, 2008

The November General Electrion And The American Voter

In six months the American people will go to the polls and cast their vote for a new President.  A process that is repeated every four years and in the last twenty eight years, three of the last four Presidents were reelected to a second term.
On the Presidential ballot will be a representative of the Democratic and Republican parties and one or more third party candidate representing their affiliations.  Third party candidates have been able to influence the out come of some past elections and no doubt hope to have the same influence in November.  The voting public has the right to vote the candidate of their choice or not vote at all.  That last option does not sit well with many Americans but those who choose to exercise that right are comfortable with their position. 
No one really knows how many Americans would like to see some one on the ballot other than the Democratic and Republican nominees representing those two parties, but I believe that number is probably significant.  The long primary season has a way of distracting the people and the candidates away from the issues and continuity is lost.  A shorter primary season would bring out just as many voters and would give the lesser financed candidates a chance to compete and be heard in all the primaries.
In my judgement and from what I see, even at this late date, If Al Gore or Governor Ed Rendell, both democrats or Senator Chuck Hagel or Mayor  Bloomberg, both independent-minded republicans entered the race and could get on the ballots in every state as third party candidates and have the financial resources to compete, the election results would be something never heard of before. 
The election and reelection of George W. Bush has had a traumatic effect on the American voters even though the people gave Mr. Bush their vote twice.  The voters elected the least qualified person to be President in my life time and I go back to the WWII generation.  That is spilling over to the present election and I sense the people are in a bad mood.  Senator Obama, who is the Democratic nominee for President, has much less experience than Bush had at this same junction.  Senator McCain, who is the official Republican nominee, is a veteran with years of congressional experience but has really had no significant impact concerning those things that really matter and make a difference in leading people in the political arena.  Both Obama and McCain talk about change but has not articulated what or how they would change things and has no record of change in the Senate. 
So the people are caught in a gotcha situation: Who to vote for, a Democratic, a Republican or a third party candidate?  We the voters have put ourselves in this situation by not holding our elected officials accountable for their actions.  We let ourselves be divided by them as liberals, conservatives, right or left instead of being just a plain American.  In the 2000 election, state officials in Florida allowed a confusing ballot be used by the voters which sure enough confused the voters and threw the election in the lap of the U.S. Supreme Court. 
Now we are in another election year cycle and the media and others have taken sides.  Lets see if those who wanted to short circuit the process will make their voice known in the future for a shorter primary season for both parties.  I would not hold my breath. 
Senator Clinton and Obama are not very far apart in the popular vote yet a wedge has been used against the people for this close race with a demand for closure months ago.  Those who pursued unreasonable demands may be disappointed in the next four years.  Time will tell.


Anonymous said...

Both Obama and McCain talk about change but has not articulated what or how they would change things and has no record of change in the Senate.


Ahh, my friend, Obama has already made a change. He has directed the DNC to no longer accept money from lobbyists!! It's a refreshing change to see someone willing to take the money and influence out of the elections. A candidate owing political favor to big money contributors is a candidate who represents someone other than the common people!! If we're ever to snatch control of our government away from special interests, we have to remove those special interests influence on elections.

Anonymous said...

The change anonymous is talking about, taking money and influence out of elections just does not happen with Obama's direction to the DNC. The Democratic candidates are still free to seek and except money from all special interest groups. As anonymous knows individuals seeking office or reelection raise more money direct then they receive from the DNC. Both McCain and Obama's record in the Senate of a lack of change still stands.

Anonymous said...

Mary P said...
The change anonymous is talking about, taking money and influence out of elections just does not happen with Obama's direction to the DNC. The Democratic candidates are still free to seek and except money from all special interest groups.


Of course it doesn't but at least it's a first step. Do you think John McCain and all of the paid lobbyists who run his campaign are going to try and win our government back for us. Obama doesn't have the legal authority to control every candidate in his party but he CAN control the DNC and by doing even that small amount, he can stop party organized legislation on behalf of powerful lobby groups. It'll make it much more difficult for lobbyists in that they'll have to organize their own majority instead of just lobbying the entire party.


BTW, it's not that hard to find how he has "articulated what or how" he will change things. If you can pry yourself away from Hillary's website long enough, Obama also has, and he articulates those changes on his website.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, I have never logged onto anyones web site much less Obama's or Clinton's. I heard first hand in the debates what Obama has said and he has yet to articulate what he will change or how he plans to do it. The real lobbyist are laughing at Obama's action concerning the DNC. They will continue to do what they always do, lobby the individual politician. When he made the announcement about the DNC he should have asked members of congress to follow suit but he failed to do so. There is no Presidential candidate who is innocent when it comes to dealing with lobbyist. The choice in this election is who can best move the country away from Bush's policies, and deal with the economy and put the people first. As yet I do not see any one leading in that regard. Don't take it personal that we do not see eye to eye on the subject. You seem to see a savior. I see two flawed candidates who have yet to convince me they can lead the country in the right direction. However, I am hanging in there.

Anonymous said...

Well, all in all, you have a choice; John McCain or Barack Obama. If you don't want to visit either of their websites to understand the issues and where the candidates stand on those issues, you have one option. That option is learning about the candidates' stand on the issues as presented by the MSM. OR, you could simply learn about the candidates by the hundreds of E-mails that you'll be bombarded with. Good luck with that!!

Anonymous said...

Many Hillary Clinton supporters are starting a drive to support John McCain in the general election. There have been some candidate contracts prepared for these former Clinton supporters to sign and follow.


Sign the "Ex-Hillary Fans For McCain" Pledge

Dear ex-Hillary fans who are showing their support for her by ignoring her call to support Obama and supporting McCain,

First, I'd like to congratulate you. You've asked yourself WWJMD and you've decided to vote against your own interests and principles while furthering Senator McCain's. Before you're allowed on the band wagon, we are asking you to sign the following oath. A McCain presidency will mean different things for different people, so we have tailored the oaths accordingly.

The McCain Loyalty Oath for Gays

I, _______________, pledge to transfer my support from Hillary Clinton to John McCain. I agree to do all I can do to get McCain the vote. In order to achieve this noble goal I promise to support McCain's...

promise to protect "the sanctity of marriage as between a man and woman."
commitment to banning federal recognition of gay marriage and domestic partnerships.
commitment to the Army's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy because to "even reopen the issue" would be a "terrific mistake."
opposition to gay adoption which he doesn't think is "appropriate."
opposition to expanding the federal hate crimes law to include sexual orientation.
As a gay person, I promise to apply McCain's principles to my own life and vow to...

stop engaging in gay sex.
never try to marry or adopt.
enroll in a program to treat my homosexuality and "straighten" myself out, such as a "M.A.N.S. Journey" (Masculinity, Authenticity, Need Fulfillment, Surrender Journey).
install nanny cams in my house to prevent any gay relapses.
take responsibility for natural disasters*, including Katrina.
Once McCain is elected, I will continue to support him and his programs and I will not complain about my loss of civil rights. And I will continue to refrain from gay sex.

Signature ____________

The McCain Loyalty Oath for Women

I _______________ pledge to transfer my support from Hillary Clinton to John McCain. I agree to do all I can do to get McCain the vote. In order to achieve this noble goal I promise to support McCain's...

fight to overturn Roe v. Wade and my right to choose.
fight against equal pay for men and women.
opposition to providing low-income and uninsured women and families with health care services ranging from breast and cervical cancer screening to birth control.
opposition to sex education and support of abstinence-only education.
making birth control covered by insurance.
endorsement of women's rights more "in theory" than in practice.
pet name for his wife.
As a woman I promise to apply McCain's principles to my own life and vow to...

call myself and my female friends the C word.
picket abortion clinics.
not use contraceptives.
drink bleach so I don't catch HIV and drink Mountain dew so I don't get pregnant.
give back part of my salary to male coworkers.
not vote, but pursue education and encourage my father/husband/brother male friends to vote for McCain.
Once McCain is elected, I will continue to support him and I will not complain about my losing my right to choose, and other reproductive freedoms. And I will continue to refrain from pursuing equality for women.

Signature ____________

The McCain Loyalty Oath for Straight White Men

Straight white men, I bet you thought we left you out. This country may have turned its back on you, but we haven't. Here's a pledge of your own:

I _______________ pledge to transfer my support from Hillary Clinton to John McCain. I agree to do all I can do to get McCain the vote. In order to achieve this noble goal I promise to support McCain's...

commitment to follow Osama Bin Laden to the gates of hell.
opposition to limiting soldiers' deployment to 12 months.
fight against benefits for veterans.
support of Bush's preemptive war doctrine.
Operation Infinite Presence in Iraq.
As a straight white man I promise to apply McCain's principles to my own life and vow to...

use Iran/Iraq and Shiites/Sunnis interchangeably.
clear my schedule for the next 100 years.
enlist in the military.
follow Osama Bin Laden to the gates of hell (while smiling).
be willing to kill and/or be killed in Iraq.
be willing to kill and/or be killed in Iran.
be willing to kill and/or be killed in Syria.
be willing to kill and/or be killed in Venezuela.
Once McCain is elected, I will continue to support him and I will not complain about my loss of limbs or life. And I will continue to refrain from questioning the war in Iraq or any other wars we will be fighting.

Signature __________________________________

*Although McCain and Hagee have since unendorsed each other, that was not until Hagee's controversial Holocaust speech was discovered. McCain didn't think Hagee's position on gay people (or women of Muslims, for that matter) warrant his disavowal.

Anonymous said...

Well anonymous I have news for you. Obama and McCain web sites are talking points. I don't get my news from MSM or emails. Both candidates have a record to run on and I know how they voted in the past and what they said in the debates. Their campaign speeches are also carried by the news media uninterrupted so I know where they stand. At this point they both leave a lot to be desired. I also know that both have staff people who are being forced out because of previous connections to Corp. America. Seems like the candidates discover something new every day. The U.S. needs a leader who can stand up on his own and be counted and I don't really see one at the present time. Come election time, the people are going to have a real problem because the way things are going now, more revelations will be made known about both candidates.