Sunday, July 27, 2008

John McCain

I used to like John McCain.  I never liked the majority of his political positions, but I liked John McCain the person.  He had dignity.  He had respect.  He had independence from his party.  He, in many ways, had everything George Bush, Dick Cheney, and the Republican leadership in Congress lacked.  This campaign, however, has changed John McCain; changed him or brought forth the true John McCain --- I'm not sure which.  Whatever the case, my opinion of John McCain has changed, and changed for the worst.

It was not too long ago when John McCain said he would run a respectful campaign.  He correctly claimed that "Americans want a respectful debate" and promised to give America just that.  He vowed not to question his opponents "character and integrity".  

But with the election just months away and McCain bracing for a significant loss, speaking with regard to the electoral college, McCain has changed his tactics.  Desperate to destroy the Democratic nominee, McCain and his camp, just this week, rolled out their latest despicable line of attack --- essentially calling Barack Obama out for treason:

"Obama would rather lose a war in order to win a political campaign."

The previous line was used by McCain over and over again.  This is turning in to 2004 all over again.  Why must one's patriotism be questioned in a political campaign?  Why can't Republicans show some decency and admit that just because they disagree with Democrats on policy, their love for this great country and its troops is equal and abundant.  

Attack lines like the one used by McCain are disgusting.  They are completely uncalled for.  How dare John McCain say that any one wants to lose a war?  How dare he?  

John McCain, sir, you have lost all my respect by going after Sen. Obama in that way, and by extension, all Americans who oppose this war.  No amount of recollections of your time as a POW in Vietnam can restore honor and dignity to you name in my eyes.  You were a hero to this country.  You were honorable.  You came into this campaign with that honor and respect.  But when you use that honor and respect bestowed upon you by the American public for your courageous service to this country, and you twist it in order to make the case that you and your party and only you and your party and it's positions show love for this country and our troops, you lose that honor and respect.  


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you that this is turning into 2004 again and I am afraid that Obama's team is just sitting there the same way Kerry's was taking this shit.

I hope I am proven wrong, but they are going to run out of time unless they respond.

Your words are very thoughtful.

Anonymous said...