Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Roadblock To Job Creation And A Sustained Economy --- Conservatives

The economy lost 62,000 jobs in June, the sixth straight month of job losses that total 438,000 since the first of the year.  As of this writing, we are in the midst of a second recession on Mr. Bush's watch and he has no clue what to do about it.  Worse yet, the labor department says the country can expect the job losses to continue. 
Conservative Republicans are masters of deceit when it comes to the economy and job creation.  Now we are in the final months of the general election and John McCain has no plans to change the status quo.  In fact, he has no credibility on economic matters.  His voting record in Congress rubber stamped Bush's economic decisions even the massive debt this President will leave our children and grand children. 
The economy lost jobs in the first four years of Bush's term.  The last time that happened was under the administration of Herbert Hoover, another Republican.  The Clinton Administration created approximately 4.1 million more jobs in eight years than Reagan-Bush 41 created in 12 years.  When Bush 43 leaves office his economic and job creation performance will be, to say the least, sorry.  And when his record budget deficits and debt is added to that he will have earned the title of the worst President in our lifetime.
The other legacy that Reagan, Bush 41, and Bush 43 has scarred our country and people with is the largest transfer of wealth from the middle class to the most wealthiest Americans.  Our people and country will continue to suffer because of that and it will take many years to reverse the trend.  Our economy will not sustain itself until this transfer of wealth flows back to the middle class.
Corporate America controls every major consumer need because of their buying power in Washington.  They enjoy corporate welfare, tax breaks, tax loopholes and other goodies our elected officials are willing to lavish them with.  Try this on for size: one percent of the people own half of the stocks in America. 
Conservative Republican Presidents have pursued over the years policies that favor the very wealthy at the expense of the middle class (The heart of any Democracy) and put our people in debt because of their ideology with this transfer of wealth.  Over 7 trillion dollars of debt created by Reagan-Bush and Bush 43, along with a few more trillion dollars of interest payments on their debt could have gone a long way to pay and provide for those needs that really matter and make a difference for our people and the country.  But they choose to destroy the middle class in favor of an ideology of wealth for those who need it the least.
If any one thinks a Conservative Republican will balance the budget, create a sustained economy and job creation, have the middle class share in that part of the wealth they deserve because of their working sacrifice and move our country forward, they are sadly mistaken.  Conservative Republican Presidents do not have any record of doing that in the last 30 years.
The November election is very critical for America, its economy, and the middle class.  The United States and its people can not afford another Republican President. 

1 comment :

Richard Jennings said...

Despite some stats, I have found lots of high paying jobs on employment sites -

I see 100K, 150K and 200K jobs