Sunday, September 28, 2008

Natural Gas: The Push and the Propaganda

We have all heard T. Boone Pickens push for the use of natural gas as the future automobile fuel in his recent series of television ads.  Now, Aubrey K. McClendon, Chairman and CEO of Chesapeake Energy Corp., is taking out full page ads in USA Today promoting natural gas as the future fuel for autos.  Lets examine some of the statements in the ad:
Statement:  Demanding this EPA certified alternative fuel is an act of patriotism in a time of economic crisis.
My reply:  It would be a lot more patriotic if the oil and gas companies were drilling and producing on the millions of acres they already own or lease and have been sitting on for many, many years, instead of asking the U.S. to open up new lands for them to drill on.  

Statement:  A new landmark study shows North American natural gas supply far exceeds industry forecasts.  Given 22 U.S. gas rich shale basins and 21st century technologies, long-term abundance is assured.
My reply:  Despite the long term abundance of natural gas and the fact that supply far exceeds industry forecasts, the price of natural gas has increased as much as the price of oil and gasoline.  Remember, it is the energy industry that tells us supply and demand controls the price, so why is the price of natural gas so high when there is abundance instead of shortages?  The answer is energy monopoly; the energy companies want to have the country addicted to natural gas as fuel for autos to continue their monopoly and rising prices.  The American people are now paying a fuel adjustment charge on their energy bills which is more than the charge for the energy used --- so much for abundance. 
The bottom line is T. Boone Pickens and Aubrey McClendon want to keep America addicted to oil and natural gas for their own financial gain.  The greening of America, when it comes to fuel for automobiles, has to be other than gasoline or natural gas if we truly want to break the status quo, and the energy industry has to be kept away from monopolizing any fuel.


Anonymous said...

you have to be realistic cng is the best alternative at this time. What do you expect americans to go to work in, horse & buggy?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous should get serious. They have fuel efficient cars on the market now and the public has many ways to cut back on gasoline use in autos. The will is the only thing that is lacking. The best alternative is common sense until the conversion is made.