Sunday, February 8, 2009

Another First For Politidose

Current economic conditions has prompted journalists in the news media and our elected officials in congress to finally speak out against Corporate America's greed that has been rewarding CEO's and executives lavish bonuses and other financial benefits while their companies are loosing billions of dollars and their workers loosing their jobs and benefits.  However, they have been silent for far too long.  Make no mistake this transfer of wealth goes back to the Reagan years.
The problem was pointed out in politidose in two articles dated November 23, 2007 titled, "Corporate America, Leaving The Average Worker in The Dust:"  And one reported on July 23, 2008, titled, "Innovation, Lost In America."  This was long before the people found out about the meltdown on wall street and the financial markets.  The media and the republicans have also been silent during the same time concerning the massive deficits and debt created by Ronald Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 during the 20 years they served and ran the country.
Journalists and republicans now want to talk about future deficits after the damage has already been done.  Their lack of credibility on the subject speaks for itself.  Both will also forget about Corporate greed in the next few months and will continue to support Corporate greed and the transfer of wealth as legitimate business decisions in a free enterprise system.  That has always been their position in the past.
Also look for journalists and republicans to use the current economic situation to open the door for the elimination of Social Security and Medicare.  That is one of the main reasons why the last 3 republican Presidents created so much debt for the country.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

What is interesting is the fact that cable T.V. has several programs that are dedicated to the economy and its conditions such as Lou Dobbs and others. All have defended the bonuses paid to business exectuves in the past and heaped praise on those folks. But since the economy has collapsed, they found religion and are finally talking about greed. They should be tuned out. The care not to tell it like it is until it is too late.