Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Rush Limbaugh's Big Problem

So Rush wants a debate with President Obama.  Well the country and its people have been there and done that.  It is called the Presidential election of 2008 where the people made a decision and wise choice of choosing substance over republican failure and division.  Conservatives will stoop to any low to try and nullify elections they lose.  They do not like people to have the freedom to choose.
Limbaugh's influence is mainly with the right wing of the republican party, its base.  That is why republican fail to take him to task when he undermines America with his phony ideology.  The one thing the people have learned about Rush and Hannity is their inability to cope with the truth about republicans and conservatives.  They are on record as wanting the President of the U.S. to fail and there fore the country to fail. 
It is the same track they took after the people elected Bill Clinton and Mr. Clinton erased the sad fiscal wreckage of 12 straight years of record deficit spending and debt by Reagan-Bush 41.  Wrapping themselves in the flag will not wash.  They both need to grow up and lean how to be an American.  

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